Commit ae711986 by mayunfei


parent 7c420132
......@@ -3349,6 +3349,21 @@ public class ZczlController {
* 侦察指令状态
* @return
public String doQueryZt(HttpServletRequest request){
String xxzjbh = request.getParameter("xxzjbh");
String flag = zczlService.doQueryZt(xxzjbh);
return flag;
......@@ -164,4 +164,6 @@ public interface ZczlDao {
int updateQxfp(TbYwZczlSpqx tbYwZczlSpqx);
List<String> queryAllUserIdByYwlx(String startId);
int doQueryZt(String xxzjbh);
......@@ -147,4 +147,6 @@ public interface IZczlService {
Map getFpqxxxByUserId(String userId);
String doQxfp(TbYwZczlSpqx tbYwZczlSpqx);
String doQueryZt(String xxzjbh);
......@@ -1922,5 +1922,15 @@ public class ZczlService implements IZczlService {
return flag;
public String doQueryZt(String xxzjbh) {
int count = zczlDao.doQueryZt(xxzjbh);
return "1";
return "0";
......@@ -1986,6 +1986,11 @@
<select id="doQueryZt" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
SELECT count(*) from TB_YW_ZCZL
where XGXX_XXZJBH = #{xxjzbh}
<!-- 审批权限查询与设置end -->
\ No newline at end of file
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