Commit 05f2a9b9 by 张超军


parent b9803161
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2022-03-25 16:36:01
* @LastEditTime: 2022-04-02 21:36:20
* @LastEditTime: 2022-04-03 11:51:23
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置:
* @FilePath: \uuuz\founder_vue\src\i18n\zh-cn.js
......@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ export default {
whether_confirm_delete: '是否确认删除?',
please_input: '请输入',
please_select: '请选择',
whether_delete_selected_data: '是否确定删除已选择的数据?',
deletion_cancelled: '已取消删除',
filter_condition_exists_Please_re_select: '该筛选条件已存在!请重新选择!',
// 基本信息--
......@@ -697,5 +700,75 @@ export default {
please_select_homicide: '请选择是否命案',
please_input_extraction_unit_code: '请输入提取单位代码',
information_incomplete_please_check: '信息填写不完整,请检查'
// 查询与认定
QueryConfirm: {
query_id: '查询ID',
please_input_query_id: '请输入查询ID',
send_time: '发送时间',
status_selection: '状态选择',
manual_identification: '人工认定',
custom_column: '自定义列',
task_No_query_ID: '任务号/查询ID',
artificial: '人工',
not_deleted: '未删除',
deleted: '已删除',
local_query: '本地查询',
remote_query: '远程查询',
city: '城市',
national_library: '国家库',
waiting_for_comparison: '等待比对',
comparing: '正在比对',
identifying: '正在认定',
identification_completed: '认定完成',
under_review: '正在复核',
review_completed: '复核完成',
identification_error: '认定出错',
review_error: '复核出错',
mark_deletion: '标记删除',
invalid: '无效',
synchronization_feature: '同步特征',
comparison_completed: '比对完成',
comparison_error: '比对出错',
flash_catch_not_identified: '闪捕未认定',
candidates_is_zero: '候选个数为零',
wrong_data_type: '数据类型错误',
number_of_candidates: '候选个数',
identification_time: '认定时间',
median_probability: '比中概率',
highest: '最高',
high: '高',
medium: '中',
low: '低',
minimum: '最低'
// 正查
LT: {
order_number: '序号',
finger_palm_position: '指/掌位',
median_unit: '比中单位',
hit_people: '比中人',
unit_code: '单位代码',
hit_people_IDCard: '比中人身份证号',
hit_time: '比中时间',
hit_people_phone: '比中人联系电话',
phone_not_less_than_7: '联系电话不应低于7位数!',
enter_comments_here: '在此输入备注信息',
weather_confirmation_is_completed: '当前候选未全部查看,是否确认认定完成?',
confirmation_completed: '认定完成!',
incomplete_information_unable_compare: '信息不全,无法比中!',
success_competition: '比中成功!',
fail_competition: '比中失败!',
compared_cannot_be_compared_again: '已经比中过的数据无法再次比中!'
// 串查
LL: {
source_data: '源数据',
target_data: '目标数据',
extractor: '提取人'
// 倒查
TL: {
finger_position: '指位'
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