Commit 2c70c360 by liyuhang19990520


parent 55bb7bde
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-07-20 14:08:33
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:32:08
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\layout\main.vue
<div id="home">
<Header title="智能侦查分系统" />
<el-container class="flex">
import Header from "@/layout/Header.vue";
import MenuLayout from "@/layout/MenuAsideLayout.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
leftMenu: [
id: "cqRagxsfmx",
label: "人案关联算法模型",
index: "cqRagxsfmx",
className: "el-icon-folder-remove",
children: [
id: "cqRyksh",
label: "人员可视化分析",
index: "cqRyksh",
disabled: false,
id: "cqKshsfmx",
label: "可视化算法模型",
index: "cqKshsfmx",
className: "el-icon-user",
children: [
id: "cqHdkshfx",
label: "话单可视化分析",
index: "cqHdkshfx",
disabled: false,
id: "cqQqkshfx",
label: "QQ可视化分析",
index: "cqQqkshfx",
disabled: false,
id: "cqWxkshfx",
label: "微信可视化分析",
index: "cqWxkshfx",
disabled: false,
id: "cqYjwlskhfx",
label: "邮件往来可视化分析",
index: "cqYjwlskhfx",
disabled: false,
id: "cqTxtzkshfx",
label: "同行同住可视化分析",
index: "cqTxtzkshfx",
disabled: false,
id: "cqThkshfx",
label: "团伙可视化分析",
index: "cqThkshfx",
disabled: false,
id: "cqYjycsf",
label: "预警预测算法模型",
index: "cqYjycsf",
className: "el-icon-warning",
children: [
id: "cqPyqszsfmx",
label: "朋友圈涉赃算法模型",
index: "cqPyqszsfmx",
disabled: false,
id: "cqGxwlsfmx",
label: "关系网络算法模型",
index: "cqGxwlsfmx",
className: "el-icon-eleme",
children: [
id: "cqThxgxfx",
label: "团伙相关性分析",
index: "cqThxgxfx",
disabled: false,
<style lang="scss" scoped>
#home /deep/ {
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
background: url("~@/assets/img/graphEcharts/back.png") 0 0 / cover no-repeat;
.flex {
display: flex;
.el-main {
border: none;
position: relative;
\ No newline at end of file
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-06-22 15:23:03
* @LastEditTime: 2021-08-19 10:48:02
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:04:31
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\router\index.js
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import VueRouter from "vue-router";
import rightContentRoutes from './modules/rightContent.js';
import shRightContentRoutes from './modules/shceContent';
import hnRightContentRoutes from './modules/hnContent';
import cqRightContentRoutes from './modules/cqContent';
import indexRoutes from "./modules/index";
// import store from "../store";
// import { getToken } from "../utils/auth";
......@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ const mainRouters = [
path: "*",
name: "error",
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-07-20 14:42:16
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:29:12
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\router\modules\rightContent.js
import Main from '@/layout/CqMain.vue'
const createArr = [
path: "/cqQqkshfx",
name: "cqQqkshfx",
meta: {
title: 'QQ可视化分析'
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/module/cqQqkshfx.vue")
path: "/cqWxkshfx",
name: "cqWxkshfx",
meta: {
title: '微信可视化分析'
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/module/cqWxkshfx.vue")
path: "/cqYjwlskhfx",
name: "cqYjwlskhfx",
meta: {
title: '邮件往来可视化分析'
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/module/cqYjwlskhfx.vue")
path: "/cqTxtzkshfx",
name: "cqTxtzkshfx",
meta: {
title: '同行同住可视化分析'
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/module/cqTxtzkshfx.vue")
path: "/cqPyqszsfmx",
name: "cqPyqszsfmx",
meta: {
title: '朋友圈涉赃算法模型'
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/module/cqPyqszsfmx.vue")
const carryArr = [
path: "/cqRyksh",
name: "cqRyksh",
meta: {
title: '人员可视化分析'
component: () => import("@/views/yppt/ragxfx.vue")
path: "/cqHdkshfx",
name: "cqHdkshfx",
meta: {
title: '话单可视化分析'
component: () => import("@/views/yppt/hdfx.vue")
path: "/cqThkshfx",
name: "cqThkshfx",
meta: {
title: '团伙可视化分析'
component: () => import("@/views/shceksh/shthfx.vue")
path: "/cqThxgxfx",
name: "cqThxgxfx",
meta: {
title: '团伙相关性分析'
component: () => import("@/views/yppt/qzkx.vue")
const router = [
export default {
path: "/cqksh",
name: "cqksh",
meta: {
title: "重庆可视化",
children: [...router],
component: Main
\ No newline at end of file
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-07-20 19:28:01
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-28 15:45:24
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:21:48
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\router\modules\index.js
const hnScreen = [
path: "/screenRagx",
name: "screenRagx",
meta: {
title: "人案关系",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/ragx.vue")
path: "/screenZhfx",
name: "screenZhfx",
meta: {
title: "综合分析",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/zhfx.vue")
path: "/screenWlfmqzdy",
name: "screenWlfmqzdy",
meta: {
title: "网络贩卖枪支分析",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/wlfmqzdy.vue")
path: "/screenWlysqzdy",
name: "screenWlysqzdy",
meta: {
title: "网络运送枪支分析",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/wlysqzdy.vue")
path: "/screenKdxxfx",
name: "screenKdxxfx",
meta: {
title: "快递信息分析",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/kdxxfx.vue")
path: "/screenKydhfx",
name: "screenKydhfx",
meta: {
title: "客运带货分析",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/kydhfx.vue")
export default [
path: "/",
redirect: "/argxfx"
......@@ -84,60 +141,6 @@ export default [
component: () => import("@/views/aroundnaotu/index.vue")
path: "/screenRagx",
name: "screenRagx",
meta: {
title: "人案关系",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/ragx.vue")
path: "/screenZhfx",
name: "screenZhfx",
meta: {
title: "综合分析",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/zhfx.vue")
path: "/screenWlfmqzdy",
name: "screenWlfmqzdy",
meta: {
title: "网络贩卖枪支分析",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/wlfmqzdy.vue")
path: "/screenWlysqzdy",
name: "screenWlysqzdy",
meta: {
title: "网络运送枪支分析",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/wlysqzdy.vue")
path: "/screenKdxxfx",
name: "screenKdxxfx",
meta: {
title: "快递信息分析",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/kdxxfx.vue")
path: "/screenKydhfx",
name: "screenKydhfx",
meta: {
title: "客运带货分析",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/cqksh/fullScreen/kydhfx.vue")
path: "*",
name: "error",
meta: {
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-07-20 14:42:16
* @LastEditTime: 2021-08-19 11:48:05
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:27:25
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\router\modules\rightContent.js
import Main from '@/layout/Main.vue'
const router = [
const createArr = [
path: "/argxfx",
name: "argxfx",
......@@ -137,14 +137,6 @@ const router = [
component: () => import("@/views/yppt/wlfmqzdy.vue")
path: "/thfx",
name: "thfx",
meta: {
title: '团伙分析'
component: () => import("@/views/yppt/thfx.vue")
path: "/kydhfx",
name: "kydhfx",
meta: {
......@@ -152,6 +144,20 @@ const router = [
component: () => import("@/views/yppt/kydhfx.vue")
const carryArr = [
path: "/thfx",
name: "thfx",
meta: {
title: '团伙分析'
component: () => import("@/views/shceksh/shthfx.vue")
const router = [
export default {
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-07-20 14:42:16
* @LastEditTime: 2021-08-13 16:41:57
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:24:35
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\router\modules\rightContent.js
import Main from '@/layout/ShceMain.vue'
const router = [
const createArr = [
path: "/shargxfx",
name: "shargxfx",
......@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ const router = [
title: '人员线索比对'
component: () => import("@/views/shceksh/ryxsbd.vue")
const router = [
export default {
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-09-29 10:17:15
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:17:16
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\views\cqksh\module\cqPyqszsfmx.vue
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-09-29 10:06:27
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:06:27
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\views\cqksh\module\cqRyksh.vue
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-09-29 10:17:07
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:17:08
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\views\cqksh\module\cqTxtzkshfx.vue
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-09-29 10:16:51
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:16:51
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\views\cqksh\module\cqWxkshfx.vue
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-09-29 10:16:59
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-29 10:16:59
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\views\cqksh\module\cqYjwlskhfx.vue
<div class="Content">
import rightContent from "@c/ptCxForm_components.vue";
export default {
name: "queryAj",
components: {
data() {
return {
tableProps: {
moreSelect: false,
publicBtn: false,
detailBtn: true,
detailUrl: "/shceapi/ajQuery/getAccompliceById",
detailParams: {
bddlxh: "xxzjbh",
cxFormData: {
page: 1,
rows: 10,
ajmc: "",
zjhm: "",
ryxm: "",
ladwdm: "",
ajlbdm: "",
hjd: "",
startDate: "2020-08-04",
endDate: "2021-08-09",
ajlx: "00",
cxQueryField: [
name: "案件名称",
type: "text",
id: "ajmc",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "3",
name: "身份证号",
type: "text",
id: "zjhm",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "3",
name: "人员姓名",
type: "text",
id: "ryxm",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "3",
name: "立案单位",
id: "ladwdm",
type: "codeTreeDialog", //字典弹框
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: "CODE_UNIT",
value: "",
col: "3",
name: "案件类别",
id: "ajlbdm",
type: "codeTreeDialog", //字典弹框
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: "CODE_AJLB",
value: "",
col: "3",
name: "户籍地",
id: "hjd",
type: "codeTreeDialog", //字典弹框
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: "CODE_XZQH",
value: "",
col: "3",
name: "立案日期",
type: "zdyDate",
id: "startDate",
id2: "endDate",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "3",
name: "类型",
id: "ajlx",
type: "radio",
rules: [{ required: true, message: "请选择类型", trigger: "blur" }],
radioData: [
label: "三人三案",
val: "00",
label: "三人两案",
val: "01",
label: "两人两案",
val: "11",
label: "两人三案",
val: "10",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "15",
cxDefaultFormThead: [
label: "案件数量",
prop: "ajCount",
label: "九类案件数量",
prop: "jlajCount",
label: "嫌疑人数量",
prop: "xyrCount",
label: "重点关注人员数",
prop: "zdgzyrCount",
cxUrl: "/shceapi/ajQuery/getThByParam",
methods: {},
created() {},
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@import "../../assets/styles/rightContent.scss";
/deep/ .el-icon-date {
line-height: 28px;
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