Commit 32f1f07f by 张超军

Merge branch 'dev_zwpt' of into dev_zwpt

parents a4855f86 a9f4f0b4
......@@ -262,6 +262,13 @@ export default {
return encrypted.ciphertext.toString().toUpperCase()
firstToUpper(str) {
if (!str || str.length === 0) {
return ''
return str.trim().replace(str[0], str[0].toUpperCase())
......@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ const SysRegExp = {
_LJFKM: /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5A-Za-z]*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+[\u4e00-\u9fa5A-Za-z]*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+[\u4e00-\u9fa5A-Za-z]*$/,
* Description: 条码号,用于查询
* 规则:以A/R开头后面加22个数字
* @author: li_hongchao
* @date: 2022/2/9 10:26
_TMH: /^[aArR]{0,1}[0-9]{0,22}[\*\?]{0,1}$/
export default SysRegExp
......@@ -145,13 +145,19 @@
<el-table-column type="selection" :reserve-selection="false"
:width="getSelectWidth()" fixed="left" />
:width="getSelectWidth()" />
<el-table-column v-if="BLANK.isShow === true" :width="BLANK.width" />
<div v-for="item in tableColumns">
<el-table-column v-if="BLANK.isShow === true" :width="BLANK.width" />
<div v-if="item.prop === 'sfjrzg'">
<el-table-column v-if="item.isShow" :prop="item.prop"
:label="item.label" width="auto" :min-width="item.width"
:label="item.label" :width="item.width">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<div v-if="scope.row.sfjrzg === '0'">
......@@ -190,8 +196,7 @@
<div v-else-if="item.prop === 'shzt'">
<el-table-column v-if="item.isShow" :prop="item.prop"
:label="item.label" width="auto" :min-width="item.width"
:label="item.label" :width="item.width">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<div class="shzt">
<div v-if="getShState(scope.row) === SH_TYPE.FH.value" class="dsh">
......@@ -258,7 +263,7 @@
<div v-else-if="item.prop === 'sbdwGajgjgdmStr'">
<el-table-column v-if="item.isShow" :prop="item.prop"
:label="item.label" width="auto" :min-width="item.width">
:label="item.label" :width="item.width" show-overflow-tooltip>
<template slot-scope="scope">
<el-tooltip effect="dark" :content="scope.row.sbdwGajgjgdmStr"
placement="top" :open-delay="300">
......@@ -270,13 +275,11 @@
<div v-else>
<el-table-column v-if="item.isShow" :prop="item.prop"
:label="item.label" width="auto" :min-width="item.width"
show-overflow-tooltip />
:label="item.label" :width="item.width" />
<el-table-column prop="prop" label="操作" :width="czWidth" fixed="right"
style="background: white">
<el-table-column prop="prop" label="操作" width="auto" :min-width="czWidth" fixed="right">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<bzxxsf-opt :ref="getShxxOpt(" :params="scope.row" :is-st="isStRole"
......@@ -347,16 +350,18 @@ export default {
TAG: '比中信息审核-',
ruleForm: initRuleFrom,
YTMH: {width: '214', prop: 'ytmh', label: '源条码号', isShow: true},
MBTMH: {width: '214', prop: 'mbtmh', label: '目标条码号', isShow: true},
YZW: {width: '108', prop: 'yzw', label: '源指位/序号', isShow: true},
MBZW: {width: '112', prop: 'mbzw', label: '目标指位/序号', isShow: true},
SBDW: {width: '172', prop: 'sbdwGajgjgdmStr', label: '上报单位', isShow: true},
SBSJ: {width: '166', prop: 'sbsj', label: '上报时间', isShow: true},
SHR: {width: '96', prop: 'shrXm', label: '审核人', isShow: true},
SHSJ: {width: '115', prop: 'shsj', label: '审核时间', isShow: true},
ZGZT: {width: '114', prop: 'sfjrzg', label: '战果状态', isShow: true},
SHZT: {width: '130', prop: 'shzt', label: '审核状态', isShow: true},
BLANK: {width: '16', prop: '', label: '', isShow: true},
YTMH: {width: '210', prop: 'ytmh', label: '源条码号', isShow: true},
MBTMH: {width: '210', prop: 'mbtmh', label: '目标条码号', isShow: true},
YZW: {width: '102', prop: 'yzw', label: '源指位/序号', isShow: true},
MBZW: {width: '114', prop: 'mbzw', label: '目标指位/序号', isShow: true},
SBDW: {width: '166', prop: 'sbdwGajgjgdmStr', label: '上报单位', isShow: true},
SBSJ: {width: '162', prop: 'sbsj', label: '上报时间', isShow: true},
SHR: {width: '90', prop: 'shrXm', label: '审核人', isShow: true},
SHSJ: {width: '110', prop: 'shsj', label: '审核时间', isShow: true},
ZGZT: {width: '112', prop: 'sfjrzg', label: '战果状态', isShow: true},
SHZT: {width: '128', prop: 'shzt', label: '审核状态', isShow: true},
queryTypeBtns: [
{value: 2, name: '正查'},
......@@ -390,7 +395,6 @@ export default {
sbBtnName: '上报省厅', // 上报按钮名称:地市:上报省厅 省级:上报公安部
tableKey: 1,
rules: {},
currPage: 1, // 当前页数
pageSize: 10, // 每页的数据条数
......@@ -398,7 +402,7 @@ export default {
totalPage: 0, // 总共页数
tableDate: [],
tableHeight: '30rem',
tableHeight: '33.5rem',
selectwidth: 50,
czWidth: 160,
isStRole: false, // 用于标记是省厅角色还是地市角色
......@@ -425,6 +429,24 @@ export default {
tableColumns: [],
checkedProps: [],
rules: {
ytmh: [
{required: false, message: '请输入条码号', trigger: 'change'},
pattern: fRegExp.SYS._TMH,
message: '格式不正确',
trigger: 'change'
mbtmh: [
{required: false, message: '请输入条码号', trigger: 'change'},
pattern: fRegExp.SYS._TMH,
message: '格式不正确',
trigger: 'change'
components: {
......@@ -473,6 +495,7 @@ export default {
getSelectWidth() {
return this.isSelectBoo ? this.selectwidth : 1
// return this.selectwidth
getLable(label) {
return ZzjgUtil.last(label)
......@@ -518,6 +541,7 @@ export default {
//'tableColumns', _that.tableColumns)
changeCheckbox(val) {'changeCheckbox', val)
let _that = this
_that.tableColumns.filter(item => {
......@@ -643,6 +667,7 @@ export default {
batch() {
var _that = this
_that.isSelectBoo = !_that.isSelectBoo
// _that.tableColumns[0].isShow = !_that.tableColumns[0].isShow
if (!_that.isSelectBoo) {
......@@ -712,6 +737,9 @@ export default {
_that.ruleForm.level = _that.getLevel()
_that.ruleForm.ytmh = util.firstToUpper(_that.ruleForm.ytmh)
_that.ruleForm.mbtmh = util.firstToUpper(_that.ruleForm.mbtmh)
.then(res => {
if (res.code === 0) {
......@@ -820,6 +848,12 @@ export default {
isSelectBoo() {
// this.BLANK.isShow = !this.isSelectBoo
this.BLANK.width = this.isSelectBoo ? '1' : '16'
this.tableHeight = this.isSelectBoo ? '30rem' : '33.5rem'
......@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ $tableHeight: var(--tableHeight, 450px);
height: $tableHeight;
.bzxxsh-content-bottom {
height: 1px;
width: 1592px;
......@@ -604,6 +605,11 @@ $tableHeight: var(--tableHeight, 450px);
/deep/.el-form-item__error {
padding-top: 0rem;
margin-top: 0rem;
/deep/ .el-checkbox__inner,
/deep/ .el-checkbox__inner {
background-color: #377fec;
......@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ class Gzlzz {
static _CXDL_TYPE = _DL_TYPES.CXDL.type
static _CLDL_TYPE = _DL_TYPES.CLDL.type
gzdlArr = []
gzdlCxdlArr = []
......@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
<div class="select-list-content-left">
<div :class="{'list-item':true,'list-item-focus':isYh}" @click="toggleYh(true)">
<div v-if="userSelectSet.size > 0" style="position: absolute; right:4px;">
<div v-if="userSelectSet.size > 0" style="position: absolute; right:8px;">
<div :class="{'list-item':true,'list-item-focus':!isYh}" @click="toggleYh(false)">
<div v-if="userGroupSelectSet.size > 0" style="position: absolute; right:4px;">
<div v-if="userGroupSelectSet.size > 0" style="position: absolute; right:8px;">
......@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
<el-col :span="12">
<el-form-item class="info-item" label="数据库用户:">
<sjkyh-select ref='sjkyhSelect' :params='ljfkRuleForm.usersOrUserGroups'
<div class="tip" style="margin-top: -18px;"><span
@select="selectYh" />
<div class="tip">
<span class="iconfont">&#xe649;</span>提示:如果不选择,默认全部用户!
......@@ -211,8 +211,7 @@
<div v-if="gzlRuleForm.pattern === 1"
v-for="(item,gindex) in getGzdlArr()"
<div class="gong-zuo-dui-lie-bingxing-item-left"
style="margin-left: -30px;">
<div class="gong-zuo-dui-lie-bingxing-item-left">
<div :class="{verLine:true,verLineTrans: gindex === 0}" />
<div :class="{verLine:true,verLineTrans: gindex === getGzdlArr().length -1}" />
......@@ -427,7 +426,7 @@ export default {
this.isShowGzlView = !this.isShowGzlView
updateGzdl(clickItem, index, isAdd = false) {// 处理队列添加、取消逻辑
if (this.isBxCxdl(clickItem.type)) return
if (this.isBxCxdl(clickItem.type) || clickItem.type === Gzlzz._CLDL_TYPE) return
this.getCurGzl().updateGzdl(clickItem, index, isAdd)
......@@ -50,11 +50,14 @@
@close="closeXtfkView" />
<!-- 弹窗背景-->
<div v-if="isAddFk" ref="backBg" class="backBg" />
import "@/icons/ic_add.svg";
import '@/icons/ic_add.svg'
import RyXtljfkView from '../xtfkgl/RyXtljfkView.vue'
import AjXtljfkView from '../xtfkgl/AjXtljfkView.vue'
import XtfkAndGzlView from '../xtfkgl/XtfkAndGzlView.vue'
......@@ -130,4 +133,17 @@ export default {
<style scoped lang="scss">
@import "scss/xtfkgl_main";
// @import "@/assets/css/globalBase.scss";
.backBg {
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 501;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
opacity: 0.65;
backdrop-filter: blur(2px);
display: block;
position: fixed;
......@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 500;
z-index: 502;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: rgba($color: #fff, $alpha: 0.65);
//background: rgba($color: #fff, $alpha: 0.65);
//filter: blur(2px);
......@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@
justify-content: center;
position: relative;
float: left;
margin-left: 6px;
.itemBox {
min-width: 96px;
......@@ -339,6 +340,7 @@
.gong-zuo-dui-lie-bingxing-item-left {
width: 1px;
height: 52px;
margin-left: -24px;
.verLine {
......@@ -383,7 +385,7 @@
.gong-zuo-dui-lie-bingxing { // 并行
min-width: 96px;
height: 32px;
margin-left: 12px;
margin-left: 14px;
display: inline-block;
......@@ -518,6 +520,8 @@
color: #f8980a;
font-family: HarmonyOS_Sans_SC;
font-size: 13px;
position: relative;
top: -22px;
span {
font-size: 13px;
......@@ -563,7 +567,7 @@
.is-error {
.el-input {
&::after {
display: block;
display: none;
content: "";
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
......@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ module.exports = {
// target: "",
// target: "",
// target: "", // 湖南-线上
// target: "",
target: "", // 江
target: "",
// target: "", // 江
ws: true,
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
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