Commit 4b758629 by wushaofei

Merge branch 'gab_bz' of into gab_bz

parents ba131373 d66aa5ce
......@@ -2,3 +2,7 @@ import { get, post } from "@/utils/http.js";
export const esAsjQuery = params =>
post("/api/bz/esAsjQuery", params);
export const queryTreeDataByType = params =>
get("/api/queryTreeDataByType", params);
\ No newline at end of file

13.8 KB | W: | H:


14.3 KB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
.el-dialog__body {
padding: 10px 15px !important;
.rightContent .el-input__inner,
#formCommonPage .el-input__inner {
height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
font-family: inherit;
.el-table__header-wrapper th,
.el-table__header-wrapper tr {
background: #f4f6f7;
.rightContent .el-input__icon,
#formCommonPage .el-input__icon,
.el-input__suffix-inner {
line-height: 36px;
.rightContent .el-range-separator {
position: relative;
top: -4px;
.rightContent .el-textarea__inner,
#formCommonPage .el-textarea__inner {
width: 100%;
font-family: inherit;
.rightContent .el-range-input,
#formCommonPage .el-range-input {
vertical-align: top;
.rightContent .el-date-editor .el-range__close-icon {
margin-top: -4px;
.rightContent .el-form-item__error {
left: calc(66% - 27px);
top: 12px;
.success-row {
background-color: #fbf9f4 !important;
.Content .el-input,
.Content .el-date-editor--daterange.el-input__inner {
width: 100% !important;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -681,4 +681,9 @@ export default {
<style scoped lang="scss">
@import "@/assets/styles/rightContent.scss";
.el-radio {
color: #606266;
cursor: pointer;
margin-right: 13px;
<div class="leftMenu"
:style="{ width: isCollapse == true ? '72px' : '240px' }">
:style="{ width: isCollapseP == true ? '72px' : '240px' }"
<img src="../assets/img/login/jinhui.png" alt="" /><span
<el-scrollbar style="height: 100%">
<el-submenu index="1" id="menu2">
<template slot="title">
<i :class="leftMenu[0].className"></i>
<span slot="title">{{ leftMenu[0].label }}</span>
v-for="(item, index) in leftMenu[0].children"
class="iconfont iconquanxianjiesuo"
style="float: right"
>{{ item.label }}</el-menu-item
<el-submenu index="2" id="menu2">
<template slot="title">
<i :class="leftMenu[1].className"></i>
<span slot="title">{{ leftMenu[1].label }}</span>
v-for="(item, index) in leftMenu[1].children"
class="iconfont iconquanxianjiesuo"
style="float: right"
>{{ item.label }}</el-menu-item
<el-submenu index="3" id="menu3">
<template slot="title">
<i :class="leftMenu[2].className"></i>
<span slot="title">{{ leftMenu[2].label }}</span>
v-for="(item, index) in leftMenu[2].children"
class="iconfont iconquanxianjiesuo"
style="float: right"
>{{ item.label }}</el-menu-item
<div class="rightContent">
<router-view />
export default {
name: "leftMenu_components",
props: {
isCollapseP: Boolean,
propLeftMenu: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
sidebarItemName: String,
data() {
return {
isOpenOnly: true,
isCollapse: this.isCollapseP,
activeIndex: "1",
csidebarItemName: this.sidebarItemName,
navList: [],
leftMenu: [
id: "cbxsz",
label: "串并线索组",
newAuth: "M01",
index: "2",
className: "iconfont icongongnengfuwu",
children: [
id: "bshcb",
label: "标识号串并",
index: "bshcb",
auth: "M0101",
className: "iconfont iconrizhi",
disabled: false,
id: "rgcb",
label: "人工串并",
index: "rgcb",
auth: "M0102",
className: "iconfont icongongnengfuwu",
disabled: false,
id: "xlaj",
label: "系列案件",
newAuth: "M02",
index: "3",
className: "iconfont iconjibenxinxi",
children: [
id: "wdxlaj",
label: "我的系列案件",
auth: "M0201",
index: "wdxlaj",
className: "iconfont iconrizhi",
disabled: false,
id: "xqxlaj",
label: "辖区系列案件",
index: "xqxlaj",
auth: "M0202",
className: "iconfont icongongnengfuwu",
disabled: false,
id: "xxgl",
label: "信息管理",
newAuth: "M03dd",
index: "xxgl",
className: "iconfont icongongnengfuwu",
children: [
id: "bshxx",
label: "标识号信息",
index: "bshxx",
auth: "M0301dd",
className: "iconfont icongongnengfuwu",
disabled: false,
id: "ajfl",
label: "案件分类",
index: "ajfl",
auth: "M0302dd",
className: "iconfont iconfangwen",
disabled: false,
created() {
this.navList = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("navList"));
this.activeIndex = sessionStorage.getItem("routerPath") || this.$;
// this.navAuth();
watch: {
isCollapseP(val) {
this.isCollapse = val;
sidebarItemName(val) {
if (
val == "sjcj" ||
val == "laxxgl" ||
val == "zczjxxgl" ||
val == "cxxxgl" ||
val == "sjzljc" ||
val == "sqmaxxgl"
) {
this.csidebarItemName = "sjgl";
} else if (
val == "laxxsp" ||
val == "zczjsp" ||
val == "cxxxsp" ||
val == "cxxxsjsp"
) {
this.csidebarItemName = "spgl";
} else if (val == "tjbb" || val == "dwcx") {
this.csidebarItemName = "cxtj";
} else if (val == "fzzxfw" || val == "tzgg") {
this.csidebarItemName = "xtgj";
} else if (val == "jasjgl" || val == "jazczjxxgl") {
this.csidebarItemName = "jasjgl";
} else if (val == "jaxxsp" || val == "jazczjsp") {
this.csidebarItemName = "jaspgl";
} else if (val == "sdrgl" || val == "jsbhgl") {
this.csidebarItemName = "zdsjgl";
} else if (val == "sjjc" || val == "sjbc") {
this.csidebarItemName = "sjjkgl";
methods: {
navAuth() {
var self = this;
if (self.navList.length > 0) {
self.leftMenu.forEach((item) => {
if (item.children) {
item.children.forEach((subItem) => {
if (subItem.auth) {
let flags = self.navList.findIndex(
(sub) => sub == subItem.auth
if (flags < 0) {
self.$set(subItem, "disabled", true);
} else {
self.$set(subItem, "disabled", false);
} else {
if (item.auth) {
let flag = self.navList.findIndex((sub) => sub == item.auth);
if (flag < 0) {
self.$set(item, "disabled", true);
} else {
self.$set(item, "disabled", false);
handleMenuOpen(key, keyPath) {
console.log(key, keyPath);
handleMenuClose(key, keyPath) {
console.log(key, keyPath);
changeSidebar(index) {
sessionStorage.setItem("routerPath", index);
mounted() {
let self = this;
<style scoped lang="scss">
@import "../assets/styles/leftMenu.scss";
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import store from "../store";
import { getToken } from "../utils/auth";
import { Message } from "element-ui";
import indexRoutes from "./modules/index";
import rightContentRoutes from "./modules/rightContent";
const originalPush = VueRouter.prototype.push;
VueRouter.prototype.push = function push(location) {
......@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ Vue.use(VueRouter);
const mainRouters = [
path: "*",
name: "error",
......@@ -38,8 +38,16 @@ export default [
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/zdgl.vue")
path: "/bztj",
name: "bztj",
meta: {
title: "标注统计",
auth: 5
component: () => import("@/views/bztj.vue")
path: "/ajbzDetail",
name: "ajbzDetail",
import menuLayout from "@/layout/menuLayout.vue";
const menuLayouts = [
path: "/bshcb",
name: "bshcb",
meta: {
title: '标识号串并'
component: () => import("@/views/cbyp/bshcb.vue")
path: "/rgcb",
name: "rgcb",
meta: {
title: '人工串并'
component: () => import("@/views/cbyp/rgcb.vue")
path: "/wdxlaj",
name: "wdxlaj",
meta: {
title: '我的系列案件'
component: () => import("@/views/cbyp/wdxlaj.vue")
path: "/xqxlaj",
name: "xqxlaj",
meta: {
title: '辖区系列案件'
component: () => import("@/views/cbyp/xqxlaj.vue")
path: "/bshxx",
name: "bshxx",
meta: {
title: '标识号信息'
component: () => import("@/views/cbyp/bshxx.vue")
path: "/ajfl",
name: "ajfl",
meta: {
title: '案件分类'
component: () => import("@/views/cbyp/ajfl.vue")
export default {
path: "/right",
component: menuLayout,
children: [...menuLayouts]
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="Content">
import rightContent from "@c/bshQuery.vue";
export default {
name: "bshcb",
components: {
data() {
return {
header: "立案信息管理",
pageBs: "laxxgl",
cxFormData: {
asjbh: "",
ajlbdm: "",
zatzJyqk: "",
ladwGajgjgdm: "",
larqQssj: util.timeStampTurnTime(
new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + "-01-01 00:00:00")
larqJssj: util.timeStampTurnTime(new Date()),
xxdjdwGajgjgdm: "",
xxdjryXm: "",
djsjQssj: "",
djsjJssj: "",
ajywztdm: "",
spsjQssj: "",
spsjJssj: "",
sflsjaPdbz: "",
typeFlag: "all",
unitcode: sessionStorage.getItem("unitcode"),
grade: sessionStorage.getItem("grade"),
rows: 10,
page: 1,
cxQueryField: [
/*立案信息 侦查终结信息 立案信息审批 侦查终结审批通用开始*/
name: "案件编号",
id: "asjbh",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "",
col: "3",
name: "立案单位",
id: "ladwGajgjgdm",
type: "lazyCodeTreeDialog",
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
value: "",
col: "3",
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: "CODE_QGUNIT",
name: "立案日期",
id: "larqQssj",
id2: "larqJssj",
type: "zdyDate",
value: "",
col: "3",
name: "案件类别",
id: "ajlbdm",
type: "codeTreeDialog",
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
value: "",
col: "3",
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: "CODE_AJLB",
name: "登记人姓名",
id: "xxdjryXm",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "",
col: "3",
name: "登记时间",
id: "djsjQssj",
id2: "djsjJssj",
type: "zdyDate",
value: "",
col: "3",
name: "案件性质",
id: "zatzJyqk",
type: "codeTreeDialog",
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
value: "",
col: "3",
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: "CODE_AJXZ",
name: "登记单位",
id: "xxdjdwGajgjgdm",
type: "lazyCodeTreeDialog",
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
value: "",
col: "3",
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: "CODE_QGUNIT",
name: "审核时间",
id: "spsjQssj",
id2: "spsjJssj",
type: "zdyDate",
value: "",
col: "3",
/*立案信息 侦查终结信息 立案信息审批 侦查终结审批通用结束*/
name: "业务状态",
id: "ajywztdm",
type: "select",
selectData: [
{ value: "", name: "全部" },
{ value: "00", name: "草稿" },
{ value: "01", name: "等待立案审批" },
{ value: "02", name: "通过立案审批" },
{ value: "03", name: "立案审批不通过" },
{ value: "05", name: "已撤销" },
value: "",
col: "3",
cxDefaultFormThead: [
label: "案事件编号",
prop: "asjbh",
width: "220",
label: "立案单位",
prop: "ladwGajgmc",
width: "200",
label: "案件时间",
prop: "发案时间:asjfssjAsjfskssj,立案时间:larq,侦查终结时间:zczjZxsj01",
width: "220",
label: "案件类别",
prop: "ajlbdmStr",
width: "120",
label: "死亡人数",
prop: "swrs",
width: "80",
label: "受伤人数",
prop: "ssrs",
width: "80",
label: "业务状态",
prop: "ywzt",
width: "140",
label: "案件名称",
prop: "ajmc",
width: "180",
label: "简要案情",
prop: "jyaq",
width: "220",
cxUrl: "/tbstAsj/stasj/queryAllMaAsjxx",
@import "../../assets/styles/queryCommon.scss";
<style scoped lang="scss">
@import "../../assets/styles/rightContent.scss";
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export default {
url: require('../assets/img/stfx.png')
url: require('../assets/img/cbyp.png')
......@@ -41,14 +41,24 @@ export default {
cxQueryField: [
/*立案信息 侦查终结信息 立案信息审批 侦查终结审批通用开始*/
name: '案件编号',
name: '案(事)件编号',
id: 'asjbh',
type: 'text',
value: '',
placeholder: '',
placeholder: '请输入',
col: '3'
name: '案(事)件类别',
id: 'ajlbdm',
type: 'codeTreeDialog',
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
value: '',
col: '3',
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: 'CODE_AJLB'
name: '立案单位',
id: 'Ladw_gajgjgdms',
type: 'lazyCodeTreeDialog',
......@@ -59,17 +69,37 @@ export default {
codeTree: 'CODE_QGUNIT'
name: '案件类别',
id: 'ajlbdm',
type: 'codeTreeDialog',
name: '立案类别',
id: 'xszalxdm',
type: 'lazyCodeTreeDialog',
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
value: '',
col: '3',
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: 'CODE_AJLB'
codeTree: 'CODE_QGUNIT'
name: '类案类别',
id: 'xslalxdm',
type: 'lazyCodeTreeDialog',
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
value: '',
col: '3',
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: 'CODE_QGUNIT'
name: '次类案类别',
id: 'xsclalxdm',
type: 'lazyCodeTreeDialog',
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
value: '',
col: '3',
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: 'CODE_QGUNIT'
name: '立案日期',
name: '立案时间',
id: 'lasjRqsjKssj',
id2: 'lasjRqsjJssj',
type: 'zdyDate',
......@@ -77,7 +107,7 @@ export default {
col: '3'
name: '案发日期',
name: '发案事件',
id: 'asjfssjKssj',
id2: 'asjfssjJssj',
type: 'zdyDate',
......@@ -85,34 +115,31 @@ export default {
col: '3'
name: '登记人姓名',
id: 'xxdjryXm',
type: 'text',
value: '',
name: '案件分类',
id: 'asjbz_ajfl',
type: 'radio',
value: '01',
placeholder: '',
col: '3'
col: '3',
radioData: [
{ label: '盗窃', val: '01' },
{ label: '诈骗案', val: '02' },
{ label: '抢劫案', val: '03' },
{ label: '抢夺案', val: '04' },
{ label: '招摇撞骗案', val: '05' }
name: '登记时间',
id: 'djsjQssj',
id2: 'djsjJssj',
name: '损失总价值',
id: 'ssjzMin',
id2: 'ssjzMax',
type: 'zdyDate',
value: '',
col: '3'
name: '案件性质',
id: 'zatzJyqk',
type: 'codeTreeDialog',
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
value: '',
col: '3',
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: 'CODE_AJXZ'
name: '登记单位',
id: 'xxdjdwGajgjgdm',
name: '案发地行政区划',
id: 'asjfsdd_xzqhdm',
type: 'lazyCodeTreeDialog',
props: [], //字典弹框需要的字段
value: '',
......@@ -120,30 +147,26 @@ export default {
codeOptions: [],
codeTree: 'CODE_QGUNIT'
name: '审核时间',
id: 'spsjQssj',
id2: 'spsjJssj',
type: 'zdyDate',
value: '',
col: '3'
name: '标注状态',
id: 'bzzt',
type: 'radio',
value: '1',
placeholder: '',
col: '3',
radioData: [
{ label: '已标注', val: '1' },
{ label: '未标注', val: '2' },
{ label: '待标准', val: '3' }
/*立案信息 侦查终结信息 立案信息审批 侦查终结审批通用结束*/
name: '业务状态',
id: 'ajywztdm',
type: 'select',
selectData: [
{ value: '', name: '全部' },
{ value: '00', name: '草稿' },
{ value: '01', name: '等待立案审批' },
{ value: '02', name: '通过立案审批' },
{ value: '03', name: '立案审批不通过' },
{ value: '05', name: '已撤销' }
name: '案发地详址',
id: 'asjfsddDzmc',
type: 'text',
value: '',
col: '3'
placeholder: '请输入',
col: '6'
cxDefaultFormThead: [
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
import { queryTreeDataByType } from '@/api/queryAj.js'
export default {
name: "zdgl",
data () {
......@@ -154,12 +155,21 @@ export default {
created () { },
created () {
methods: {
handleNodeClick (data) {
......@@ -50,14 +50,13 @@ module.exports = {
proxy: {
"/api": {
target: "", //统一的请求头部每次修改都要重启才会生效
target: "", //统一的请求头部每次修改都要重启才会生效
ws: true,
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/api': '/'
css: {
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