Commit c851dcbd by 李姝悦


parent c2989818
import { get, post, postJson } from "@/utils/http.js";
import url from "@/api/base";
export const esAsjQuery = params =>
post("/api/newAsjbz/esAsjQuery", params);
export const queryCodeByType = params =>
get("/api/queryCodeByType", params);
export const saveTableTitleRedis = params =>
postJson("/api/saveTableTitleRedis", params);
export const EsAsjQuery = params =>
postJson("/api/dwcx/EsAsjQuery", params);
export const EsXyrQuery = params =>
postJson("/api/dwcx/EsXyrQuery", params);
export const EsShrQuery = params =>
postJson("/api/dwcx/EsShrQuery", params);
export const queryDictItem = params =>
post("/api/dic/queryDictItem", params);
export const getDictitemByCode = params =>
post("/api/dic/getDictitemByCode", params);
export const getTableTitleRedis = params =>
get("/api/getTableTitleRedis", params);
import { get, post, postJson,postform } from "@/utils/http.js";
import url from "@/api/base";
export const ylzbQuery = params =>
postJson("/ylzpapi/ylzp/jbxs/queryjbxsListPage", params);
export const ylzbDetail = params =>
postJson("/ylzpapi/ylzp/jbxs/queryjbxsList", params);
// 获取所有标签
export const ylzpGjc = params =>
// 新增
export const ylzpGjcAdd = params =>
// 修改
export const ylzpGjcEdit = params =>
// 删除
export const ylzpGjcDel = params =>
export const esAsjQuery = params =>
post("/api/newAsjbz/esAsjQuery", params);
export const queryCodeByType = params =>
get("/api/queryCodeByType", params);
export const saveTableTitleRedis = params =>
postJson("/api/saveTableTitleRedis", params);
export const EsAsjQuery = params =>
postJson("/api/dwcx/EsAsjQuery", params);
export const EsXyrQuery = params =>
postJson("/api/dwcx/EsXyrQuery", params);
export const EsShrQuery = params =>
postJson("/api/dwcx/EsShrQuery", params);
export const queryDictItem = params =>
post("/api/dic/queryDictItem", params);
export const getDictitemByCode = params =>
post("/api/dic/getDictitemByCode", params);
export const getTableTitleRedis = params =>
get("/api/getTableTitleRedis", params);
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
import specialLayout from "@/layout/specialLayout.vue";
const menuLayouts = [
path: "/specialDataAnalyze",
name: "specialDataAnalyze",
meta: {
title: '专题数据查询分析'
component: () => import("@/views/ztsjfx/specialDataAnalyze.vue")
path: "/specialDataDyfx",
name: "specialDataDyfx",
meta: {
title: '专题数据地域统计'
component: () => import("@/views/ztsjfx/specialDataDyfx.vue")
export default [{
path: "/right",
component: specialLayout,
children: [...menuLayouts,]
import specialLayout from "@/layout/specialLayout.vue";
const menuLayouts = [
path: "/specialDataAnalyze",
name: "specialDataAnalyze",
meta: {
title: '专题数据查询分析'
component: () => import("@/views/ztsjfx/specialDataAnalyze.vue")
path: "/specialDataDyfx",
name: "specialDataDyfx",
meta: {
title: '专题数据地域统计'
component: () => import("@/views/ztsjfx/specialDataDyfx.vue")
path: "/specialDataXsjs",
name: "specialDataXsjs",
meta: {
title: '专题数据线索分析'
component: () => import("@/views/ztsjfx/specialDataXsfx.vue")
export default [{
path: "/right",
component: specialLayout,
children: [...menuLayouts,]
\ No newline at end of file
import {
} from "@/api/dictionaryCode.js";
export default {
data() {
return {
cxQueryField: [
title: '线索基本特征',
id: '1',
data: [
label: '线索编号',
prop: 'xsbh',
col: '3'
label: '举报事实发生地',
prop: 'jbssfsd',
col: '3'
label: '举报时间',
prop: 'tjsj',
col: '3'
title: '举报人特征',
id: '2',
data: [
label: '举报人姓名',
prop: 'jbrXm',
col: '3'
}, {
label: '举报人身份证号',
prop: 'jbrSfzh',
col: '3'
}, {
label: '举报人现住地',
prop: 'jbrXzz',
col: '3'
}, {
label: '被举报人姓名',
prop: 'bjbrXm',
col: '3'
}, {
label: '被举报单位名称',
prop: 'bjbdwMc',
col: '3'
title: '举报人单位特征',
id: '3',
data: [
label: '联系人姓名',
prop: 'jbdwLxrxm',
col: '3'
label: '单位名称',
prop: 'jbdwMc',
col: '3'
label: '单位地址',
prop: 'jbdwDz',
col: '3'
label: '联系电话',
prop: 'jbdwLxdh',
col: '3'
title: '被举报人特征',
id: '4',
data: [
label: '姓名',
prop: 'bjbrXm',
col: '3'
label: '性别',
prop: 'bjbrXb',
col: '3'
label: '职务',
prop: 'bjbrZw',
col: '3'
label: '联系电话',
prop: 'bjbrLxdh',
col: '3'
label: '现住址',
prop: 'bjbrXzz',
col: '3'
label: '户籍地',
prop: 'bjbrHjd',
col: '3'
label: '单位名称',
prop: 'bjbdwDwmc',
col: '3'
label: '联系电话',
prop: 'bjbdwLxdh',
col: '3'
label: '所在地',
prop: 'bjbdwSzd',
col: '3'
label: '举报事实发生地',
prop: 'jbssfsd',
col: '3'
label: '起始年份',
prop: 'fzssQsnf',
col: '3'
label: '结束年份',
prop: 'fzssJsnf',
col: '3'
label: '是否是团伙',
prop: 'fzssIfth',
col: '3'
label: '团伙人数',
prop: 'fzssThrs',
col: '3'
label: '涉案金额(单位:元)',
prop: 'fzssSaje',
col: '3'
label: '受害人数量',
prop: 'fzssShrsl',
col: '3'
\ No newline at end of file
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-07-13 10:11:15
* @LastEditTime: 2022-04-01 11:35:44
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\vue.config.js
const path = require("path");
// const CompressionPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin');
// const productionGzipExtensions = /\.(js|css|json|txt|html|ico|svg)(\?.*)?$/i;
// function resolve(dir) {
// return path.join(__dirname, dir);
// }
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assetsDir: "static",
configureWebpack: config => {
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// 为生产环境修改配置...
config.mode = "production";
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// 为开发环境修改配置...
config.mode = "development";
Object.assign(config, {
// 开发生产共同配置
resolve: {
alias: {
"@": path.resolve(__dirname, "./src"),
"@c": path.resolve(__dirname, "./src/components"),
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resources: "./src/assets/styles/main.scss"
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warnings: false,
errors: false
proxy: {
// "/api": {
// target: "", //案件标注
// ws: true,
// changeOrigin: true,
// pathRewrite: {
// '^/api': '/'
// }
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"/api": {
target: "", //me
// target: "", //me
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'^/api2': '/'
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sourceMap: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? true : false // 在开发环境下开启 CSS sourcemaps
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-07-13 10:11:15
* @LastEditTime: 2022-02-23 09:38:15
* @LastEditors: LYS
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\vue.config.js
const path = require("path");
// const CompressionPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin');
// const productionGzipExtensions = /\.(js|css|json|txt|html|ico|svg)(\?.*)?$/i;
// function resolve(dir) {
// return path.join(__dirname, dir);
// }
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publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? "/" : "./",
assetsDir: "static",
configureWebpack: config => {
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// 为生产环境修改配置...
config.mode = "production";
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// 为开发环境修改配置...
config.mode = "development";
Object.assign(config, {
// 开发生产共同配置
resolve: {
alias: {
"@": path.resolve(__dirname, "./src"),
"@c": path.resolve(__dirname, "./src/components"),
"@p": path.resolve(__dirname, "./src/pages")
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lintOnSave: false, //关闭eslint
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resources: "./src/assets/styles/main.scss"
productionSourceMap: false, //关闭生产映射
devServer: {
overlay: {
warnings: false,
errors: false
proxy: {
// "/api": {
// target: "", //案件标注
// ws: true,
// changeOrigin: true,
// pathRewrite: {
// '^/api': '/'
// }
// },
"/api": {
target: "", //me
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'^/api': '/'
"/api2": {
target: "", //案件标注
ws: true,
changeOrigin: true,
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'^/api2': '/'
"/ylzpapi": {
target: "", //养老诈骗
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pathRewrite: {
'^/ylzpapi': '/'
css: {
sourceMap: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? true : false // 在开发环境下开启 CSS sourcemaps
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