Commit c9660b7f by liyuhang19990520


parent 45a6751d
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-10-29 10:17:55
* @LastEditTime: 2021-10-29 10:19:50
* @LastEditors: your name
* @LastEditTime: 2021-11-01 16:43:34
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\api\qgccj\ajxx.js
......@@ -14,3 +14,27 @@ export const updateAjByAsjbh = params =>
export const queryAjByAsjbh = params =>
post(`${base.alyIP}/tbstasjxx/queryAjByAsjbh`, params);
export const querytbxwlaxx = params =>
post(`${base.alyIP}/tbxwlaxx/querytbxwlaxx`, params);
export const updatetbxwlaxx = params =>
postform(`${base.alyIP}/tbxwlaxx/updatetbxwlaxx`, params);
export const querytbxwjsasj = params =>
post(`${base.alyIP}/tbxwjsasj/querytbxwjsasj`, params);
export const updatettbxwjsasj = params =>
postform(`${base.alyIP}/tbxwjsasj/updatettbxwjsasj`, params);
export const querytTbXwZczjXx = params =>
post(`${base.alyIP}/zczjxx/querytTbXwZczjXx`, params);
export const updateTbXwZczjXx = params =>
postform(`${base.alyIP}/zczjxx/updateTbXwZczjXx`, params);
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-10-15 10:55:14
* @LastEditTime: 2021-10-28 17:15:39
* @LastEditTime: 2021-11-01 11:09:45
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\api\zczl\xxgl.js
......@@ -37,6 +37,18 @@ export const doEditZczlxx = params =>
export const zlTqsp = params =>
post(`${base.alyIP}/zczl/zlTqsp`, params);
export const zczlQs = params =>
post(`${base.alyIP}/zczl/zczlQs`, params);
export const doAddHb = params =>
postform(`${base.alyIP}/zczl/doAddHb`, params);
export const getHbxxDoHbxgByFpbh = params =>
post(`${base.alyIP}/zczl/getHbxxDoHbxgByFpbh`, params);
export const doHbEdit = params =>
postform(`${base.alyIP}/zczl/doHbEdit`, params);
......@@ -1448,15 +1448,22 @@ export default {
watch: {
if(this.$route.path == '/addYjrw'){
if(new Date(val) > new Date(this.$moment(new Date().getTime() + 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 30).format("YYYY-MM-DD"))){
"formLabelAlign.jssj"(val) {
if (this.$route.path == "/addYjrw") {
if (
new Date(val) >
new Date(
this.$moment(new Date().getTime() + 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 30).format(
) {
this.$set(this.formLabelAlign, "jssj", "");
computed: {},
......@@ -2033,8 +2040,12 @@ $-header-fontSize: 18px;
#formCommonPage /deep/ .el-input__inner {
color: #606266;
background-color: #F1F3F4!important;
color: #606266 !important;
background-color: #f1f3f4 !important;
#formCommonPage /deep/ .zdyInputW .el-select .is-disabled .el-input__inner {
color: #606266 !important;
background-color: #f1f3f4 !important;
.jyDialog {
......@@ -308,7 +308,8 @@
pageBs != 'xywspdzczl' &&
pageBs != 'sqqxgl' &&
pageBs != 'wfqdzczl' &&
pageBs != 'jszls'
pageBs != 'jszls' &&
pageBs != 'wfzdzczl'
<i class="el-icon-plus"></i> 新增
......@@ -825,7 +826,7 @@
pageBs == 'zjclrz' ||
pageBs == 'qjgnsyrz' ||
pageBs == 'wscdajtj' ||
pageBs == 'jszls'||
pageBs == 'jszls' ||
pageBs == 'queryCheckBj'
......@@ -849,7 +850,8 @@
pageBs == 'llycx' ||
pageBs == 'xywspdzczl' ||
pageBs == 'sqqxgl' ||
pageBs == 'yjrwGl'
pageBs == 'yjrwGl' ||
pageBs == 'wfzdzczl'
......@@ -862,6 +864,55 @@
@click="$emit('qs', scope)"
style="margin-right: 16px"
v-if="pageBs == 'wfzdzczl' && scope.row.nfqs == '1'"
@click="$emit('toHb', scope)"
style="margin-right: 16px"
v-if="pageBs == 'wfzdzczl' && scope.row.nfhb == '1'"
@click="$emit('toHbxg', scope)"
style="margin-right: 16px"
v-if="pageBs == 'wfzdzczl' && scope.row.nfhbxg == '1'"
@click="$emit('toXb', scope)"
style="margin-right: 16px"
v-if="pageBs == 'wfzdzczl' && scope.row.nfxb == '1'"
@click="$emit('toXbxg', scope)"
style="margin-right: 16px"
v-if="pageBs == 'wfzdzczl' && scope.row.nfxbxg == '1'"
@click="$emit('toFp', scope)"
style="margin-right: 16px"
v-if="pageBs == 'wfzdzczl' && scope.row.nffp == '1'"
@click="$emit('toYj', scope)"
style="margin-right: 16px"
v-if="pageBs == 'wfzdzczl' && scope.row.nffp == '1'"
style="margin-right: 16px"
......@@ -903,7 +954,8 @@
pageBs != 'xywspdzczl' &&
pageBs != 'sqqxgl' &&
pageBs != 'queryRlqbxsSH' &&
pageBs != 'yjrwGl'
pageBs != 'yjrwGl' &&
pageBs != 'wfzdzczl'
......@@ -1910,8 +1962,8 @@ export default {
computed: {},
watch: {
if(val != old){
"cxFormData.asjbzzt"(val, old) {
if (val != old) {
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-10-27 10:20:22
* @LastEditTime: 2021-10-29 09:37:23
* @LastEditTime: 2021-11-01 17:15:16
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\router\modules\qgccj.js
......@@ -203,6 +203,31 @@ const menuLayouts = [
component: () => import("@/views/qgncj/ajxx/addajjbxx.vue")
path: "/addlaxx",
name: "addlaxx",
meta: {
title: '修改立案信息',
component: () => import("@/views/qgncj/ajxx/addlaxx.vue")
path: "/addasjxx",
name: "addasjxx",
meta: {
title: '接收案事件信息',
isAdd: true
component: () => import("@/views/qgncj/ajxx/addasjxx.vue")
path: "/addzczj",
name: "addzczj",
meta: {
title: '修改侦查终结',
component: () => import("@/views/qgncj/ajxx/addzczj.vue")
export default menuLayouts
\ No newline at end of file
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-09-07 15:09:40
* @LastEditTime: 2021-10-29 16:50:29
* @LastEditTime: 2021-11-01 17:51:32
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\utils\params.js
......@@ -4287,7 +4287,7 @@ const rlqbxs = [
const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "案事件编号:",
id: "",
id: "asjbh",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4295,7 +4295,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "接警编号:",
id: "",
id: "jjbh",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4303,7 +4303,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "受理时间:",
id: "",
id: "slsj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4311,8 +4311,9 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "刑事警情类别:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "jsasjXsjqlbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_XSJQFL",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4320,7 +4321,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "受理单位名称:",
id: "",
id: "sldwGajgmc",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4328,9 +4329,9 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "受理单位代码:",
id: "",
id: "sldwGajgjgdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_UNIT",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4338,7 +4339,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "现场勘验编号:",
id: "",
id: "xckybh",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4346,9 +4347,9 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "案事件来源:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjlydm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_ASJLYFL",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4357,9 +4358,9 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "案件类别:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAjlbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_AJLB",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4367,18 +4368,16 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "事由_简要情况:",
id: "",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeOptions: [],
name: "事由简要情况:",
id: "jsasjSyJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "发现线索_简要情况:",
id: "",
name: "发现线索简要情况:",
id: "jsasjFxxsJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4386,7 +4385,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "发现时间:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjFxasjsj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4395,9 +4394,10 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "发现案件地点行政区划:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjFxasjddXzqhdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_XZQH",
codeOptions: [],
prop: "checkEmpty",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4406,7 +4406,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "发现案事件地点名称:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjFxasjddDzmc",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4415,16 +4415,18 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "案发时间_日时段:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "jsasjAsjfssjRsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_RSD",
codeOptions: [],
prop: "checkEmpty",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "案发开始时间:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjfssjAsjfskssj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4432,7 +4434,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "案发结束时间:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjfssjAsjfsjssj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4440,7 +4442,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "案事件受伤人数:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjssryRs",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4448,7 +4450,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "案事件死亡人数:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjswryRs",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4457,24 +4459,26 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "作案时机类别:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "jsasjZasjZasjlbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_ZASJLB",
codeOptions: [],
prop: "checkEmpty",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "作案时机_补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "jsasjZasjDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "损失价值(人名币元):",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSsjzrmby",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4482,7 +4486,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "案事件损失财务简况:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjsscwJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4490,7 +4494,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
name: "简要案情:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjJyaq",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4502,7 +4506,7 @@ const jsasj_jbxx = [
const jsasj_ajfsd = [
name: "案发地区划:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjfsddXzqhdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_XZQH",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -4512,7 +4516,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfsd = [
name: "案发地名称:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjfsddDzmc",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4520,7 +4524,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfsd = [
name: "案发地经度:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjfsddDqjd",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4528,7 +4532,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfsd = [
name: "案发地维度:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjfsddDqwd",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4536,9 +4540,9 @@ const jsasj_ajfsd = [
name: "涉案场所:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSacsSacslbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_SACS",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4546,17 +4550,17 @@ const jsasj_ajfsd = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "jsasjSacsDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "空间部位类别:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjKjbwKjbwlbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_KJBW",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4564,17 +4568,17 @@ const jsasj_ajfsd = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "jsasjKjbwDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "地域类别:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjfsddDylbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_FADY",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4582,7 +4586,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfsd = [
name: "是否建筑物内:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSfjzwnPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -4596,7 +4600,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfsd = [
const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否命案:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSfmaPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -4606,7 +4610,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否涉爆:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSfsbPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -4616,7 +4620,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否涉枪:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSfsqPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -4626,7 +4630,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否涉黑:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSfshPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -4636,7 +4640,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否拐卖:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSfgmPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -4646,7 +4650,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否涉及盗抢骗车辆:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSfsjdqpclPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -4656,7 +4660,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否涉外:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSfswPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -4666,7 +4670,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否非接触请诈骗:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSffjcxzpPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -4676,7 +4680,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "涉外案事件涉外情况:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSwasjswqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4684,8 +4688,9 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "案件督办级别:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "jsasjAsjdbjbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_DBJB",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4693,8 +4698,9 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "跨界范围:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "jsasjKjfwdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_KJFW",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4702,7 +4708,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "分析案发开始时间:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjfssjfxAsjfskssj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4710,7 +4716,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "分析案发结束时间:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjAsjfssjfxAsjfsjssj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4718,7 +4724,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案人数下限:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjZarfxRsxx",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4726,7 +4732,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案人数上限:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjZarfxRssx",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4734,17 +4740,25 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案工具:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjZagjSawpdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_XZQH",
codeTree: "CODE_WPLX",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "作案工具简要情况:",
id: "jsasjZagjJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "18",
name: "作案动机描述:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjZadjms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4752,7 +4766,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案目的描述:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjZamdms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4760,7 +4774,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "流窜作案简要情况:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjLczaJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4768,7 +4782,7 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
name: "结伙作案简要情况:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjJhzaJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4780,8 +4794,9 @@ const jsasj_ajfxxx = [
const jsasj_zasdxx = [
name: "作案准备手段:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "jsasjZazbsdZazbsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_ZAZBSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4789,16 +4804,17 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "jsasjZazbsdDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "接近手段:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "jsasjJjsdJjsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_JJSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4806,16 +4822,17 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "jsasjJjsdDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "冒充冒用手段:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "jsasjMcmysdMcmysddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_MCMYSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4823,16 +4840,17 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "jsasjMcmysdDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "冒充身份:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "jsasjMcsfMcsfdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_XZDX",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -4840,17 +4858,17 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "jsasjMcsfDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "冒充关系人:",
id: "",
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col: "18",
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......@@ -5042,8 +5064,9 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
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......@@ -5051,16 +5074,17 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
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id: "jsasjWlzasdDmbcms",
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codeTree: "CODE_WPFDCD",
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......@@ -5076,9 +5100,9 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
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......@@ -5086,25 +5110,17 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
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value: "",
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codeTree: "CODE_WZMJSD",
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......@@ -5112,7 +5128,7 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
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value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5120,8 +5136,9 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
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id: "jsasjFzxyrtsxwFzxyrtsxwdm",
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codeOptions: [],
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......@@ -5129,15 +5146,15 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
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id: "jsasjFzxyrtsxwDmbcms",
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col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "犯罪嫌疑人特征简要情况:",
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id: "jsasjFzxyrtzJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5145,8 +5162,9 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
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id: "jsasjFzxyrtszcFzxyrtszcdm",
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......@@ -5154,15 +5172,15 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
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id: "jsasjFzxyrtszcDmbcms",
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value: "",
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col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "熟悉作案环境情况:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjFzxyrsxzahjqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5170,8 +5188,9 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
name: "共犯嫌疑人组合形式:",
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id: "jsasjGtfzfzxyrzhxsdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5179,9 +5198,9 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
name: "共同犯罪嫌疑人构成:",
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id: "jsasjGtfzfzxyrgcdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_SHGX",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5189,15 +5208,15 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
name: "构成补充描述:",
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id: "jsasjGtfzfzxyrgcDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "遗留物品情况:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjFzxyrylwpJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5205,7 +5224,7 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
name: "可疑物品情况:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjXckywpJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5213,7 +5232,7 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
name: "损失物品去向情况:",
id: "",
id: "jsasjSswpqxJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5225,7 +5244,7 @@ const jsasj_zasdxx = [
const jsasj_blxx = [
name: "主办人姓名:",
id: "",
id: "zbrXm",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5233,7 +5252,7 @@ const jsasj_blxx = [
name: "主办人联系电话:",
id: "",
id: "zbrLxdh",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5241,7 +5260,7 @@ const jsasj_blxx = [
name: "协办人姓名:",
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id: "xbrXm",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5249,7 +5268,7 @@ const jsasj_blxx = [
name: "协办人联系电话:",
id: "",
id: "xbrLxdh",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5422,8 +5441,9 @@ const sadjb = [
const lian_jbxx = [
name: "案事件编号:",
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id: "asjbh",
type: "text",
disabled: true,
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
......@@ -5431,7 +5451,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "勘验编号:",
id: "",
id: "xckybh",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5439,7 +5459,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "案件名称:",
id: "",
id: "laAjmc",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5447,9 +5467,9 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "案件类别:",
id: "",
id: "laAjlbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_AJLB",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5458,9 +5478,9 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "小案类别:",
id: "",
id: "laZatzJyqk",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_ZATZ",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5469,8 +5489,9 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "特殊手段:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "tssddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_TSSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5478,7 +5499,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "损失价值(人民币元):",
id: "",
id: "laSsjzrmby",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5487,18 +5508,16 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "涉案事由:",
id: "",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeOptions: [],
id: "laSyJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "损失财物倩况:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjsscwJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5506,7 +5525,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "损失物品去向简要情况:",
id: "",
id: "laSswpqxJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5514,7 +5533,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "发现案事件时间:",
id: "",
id: "laFxasjsj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5523,8 +5542,9 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "案发时间日时段:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "laAsjfssjRsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_RSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5533,7 +5553,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "案发开始时间:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjfssjAsjfskssj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5542,7 +5562,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "案发结束时间:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjfssjAsjfsjssj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5551,7 +5571,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "案事件受伤人数:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjssryRs",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5559,7 +5579,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "案事件死亡人数:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjswryRs",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5567,10 +5587,11 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "立案公安机关名称:",
id: "",
name: "立案公安机关:",
id: "ladwGajgjgdm",
disabled: true,
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_UNIT",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5578,8 +5599,8 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "立案公安机关代码:",
id: "",
name: "立案公安机关名称:",
id: "ladwGajgmc",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5588,7 +5609,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "立案日期:",
id: "",
id: "larq",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5597,7 +5618,7 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
name: "简要案情:",
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id: "laJyaq",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5611,9 +5632,9 @@ const lian_jbxx = [
const lian_afd = [
name: "案发地区划:",
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id: "laAsjfsddXzqhdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_XZQH",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5622,7 +5643,7 @@ const lian_afd = [
name: "案发地址:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjfsddDzmc",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5631,9 +5652,9 @@ const lian_afd = [
name: "涉案场所类别:",
id: "",
id: "laSacsSacslbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_SACS",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5642,17 +5663,17 @@ const lian_afd = [
name: "补充描述:",
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type: "text",
id: "laSacsDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "空间部位类别:",
id: "",
id: "laKjbwKjbwlbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_KJBW",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5661,15 +5682,15 @@ const lian_afd = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "laKjbwDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "案发地经度:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjfsddDqjd",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5678,7 +5699,7 @@ const lian_afd = [
name: "案发地纬度:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjfsddDqwd",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5687,9 +5708,9 @@ const lian_afd = [
name: "案发地域类别:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjfsddDylbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_FADY",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5698,8 +5719,9 @@ const lian_afd = [
name: "是否建筑物内:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "laSfjzwnPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5711,7 +5733,7 @@ const lian_afd = [
const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否涉枪:",
id: "",
id: "laSfsqPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -5721,19 +5743,8 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "是否命案:",
id: "",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "是否涉爆:",
id: "",
name: "是否网络贩枪:",
id: "laSfwlfqPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -5743,8 +5754,8 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "是否历史案件:",
id: "",
name: "是否命案:",
id: "laSfmaPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -5754,8 +5765,8 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "是否涉:",
id: "",
name: "是否涉:",
id: "laSfsbPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -5765,8 +5776,8 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "是否拐卖:",
id: "",
name: "是否历史案件:",
id: "sflsjaPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -5776,8 +5787,8 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "是否盗抢骗车辆:",
id: "",
name: "是否涉黑:",
id: "laSfshPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -5787,8 +5798,8 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "是否组织偷渡:",
id: "",
name: "是否拐卖:",
id: "sfgmPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -5799,7 +5810,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否涉外:",
id: "",
id: "laSfswPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -5810,7 +5821,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否非接触请诈骗:",
id: "",
id: "laSffjcxzpPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -5821,7 +5832,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "是否文物犯罪:",
id: "",
id: "laSfwwfzPdbz",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_IF",
codeOptions: [],
......@@ -5832,8 +5843,9 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "案事件督办级别:",
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id: "laAsjdbjbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_DBJB",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5841,8 +5853,9 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案时机类别:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "laZasjZasjlbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_ZASJLB",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5851,15 +5864,15 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "laZasjDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "分析案发开始时间:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjfssjfxAsjfskssj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5868,7 +5881,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "分析案发结束时间:",
id: "",
id: "laAsjfssjfxAsjfsjssj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5876,7 +5889,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "人数上限:",
id: "",
id: "laZarfxRssx",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5884,7 +5897,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "人数下限:",
id: "",
id: "laZarfxRsxx",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5892,8 +5905,9 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "共同犯罪嫌疑人构成:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "laGtfzfzxyrgcGtfzfzxyrgcdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_SHGX",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5901,35 +5915,17 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "laGtfzfzxyrgcDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "犯罪嫌疑人组合形式:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "跨界范围:",
id: "",
id: "laGtfzfzxyrzhxsdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "犯罪嫌疑人组合形式:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5937,9 +5933,9 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "跨界范围:",
id: "",
id: "laKjfwdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_KJFW",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5947,9 +5943,9 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案工具:",
id: "",
id: "laZagjSawpdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_WPLX",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5957,7 +5953,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案工具情况:",
id: "",
id: "laZagjJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5965,8 +5961,9 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案动机:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "laZadjdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_ZADJ",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5975,7 +5972,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案动机描述:",
id: "",
id: "laZadjms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5983,7 +5980,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案目的描述:",
id: "",
id: "laZamdms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5991,7 +5988,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案特征集合表达:",
id: "",
id: "laAjzatzjhbd",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -5999,7 +5996,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "作案特征自动分类情况:",
id: "",
id: "laZatzzdflJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6007,7 +6004,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "流窜作案情况:",
id: "",
id: "laLczaJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6015,7 +6012,7 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "结伙作案情况:",
id: "",
id: "laJhzaJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6023,59 +6020,27 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
name: "发现线索情况:",
id: "",
id: "laFxxsJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "18",
name: "遗留物品情况:",
id: "",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "18",
name: "可疑物品情况:",
id: "",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "18",
name: "信息登记单位名称:",
id: "",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "信息登记单位代码:",
id: "",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "信息登记人员姓名:",
id: "",
type: "text",
name: "遗留物品情况:",
id: "laFzxyrylwpJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "登记时间:",
id: "",
type: "dates",
name: "可疑物品情况:",
id: "laXckywpJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
......@@ -6083,8 +6048,9 @@ const lian_ajfxxx = [
const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "准备手段:",
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type: "setValue",
id: "laZazbsdZazbsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_ZAZBSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6092,16 +6058,17 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "laZazbsdDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "接近手段:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "laJjsdJjsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_JJSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6109,17 +6076,17 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "laJjsdDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "胁迫手段:",
id: "",
id: "laXpsdXpsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_XPSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6127,17 +6094,17 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "laXpsdDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "胁迫使用物品:",
id: "",
id: "laXpsywpSawpdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_SAWPFL",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6145,17 +6112,17 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "laXpsywpDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "施暴手段:",
id: "",
id: "laSbsdSbsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_SBSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6163,17 +6130,17 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "laSbsdDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "干扰侦查手段:",
id: "",
id: "laGrzcsdGrzcsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_WZMJSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6181,15 +6148,15 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "laGrzcsdDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "犯罪嫌疑人特征:",
id: "",
id: "laFzxyrtzJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6197,7 +6164,7 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "其他手段特点简要情况:",
id: "",
id: "laQtsdtdJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6205,8 +6172,9 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "犯罪嫌疑人特殊行为:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "laFzxyrtsxwFzxyrtsxwdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6214,16 +6182,17 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "laFzxyrtsxwDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "特殊专长:",
id: "",
type: "setValue",
id: "laFzxyrtszcFzxyrtszcdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6231,15 +6200,15 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
name: "补充描述:",
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type: "text",
id: "laFzxyrtszcDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "熟悉作案环境情况:",
id: "",
id: "laFzxyrsxzahjqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6251,31 +6220,36 @@ const lian_zasdxx = [
const lian_zczz = [
name: "主侦公安机关:",
id: "",
id: "zuzdwGajgmc",
type: "text",
value: "",
disabled: true,
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "主侦公安机关代码:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "zuzdwGajgjgdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "CODE_UNIT",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "主侦单位负责人:",
id: "",
id: "zzdwfzrXm",
type: "text",
disabled: true,
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "单位负责人联系电话:",
id: "",
id: "zzdwfzrLxdh",
disabled: true,
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6283,25 +6257,37 @@ const lian_zczz = [
name: "主办人:",
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id: "zuzdwZbrXm",
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disabled: true,
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "主办人身份号码:",
id: "zuzdwZbrGmsfhm",
type: "text",
disabled: true,
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "主办人联系电话:",
id: "",
id: "zuzdwZbrLxdh",
type: "text",
disabled: true,
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "协办人一:",
id: "",
id: "zuzdwXbrXm1",
type: "text",
disabled: true,
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
......@@ -6309,7 +6295,8 @@ const lian_zczz = [
name: "协办人一联系电话:",
id: "",
id: "zuzdwXbrLxdh1",
disabled: true,
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6317,7 +6304,8 @@ const lian_zczz = [
name: "协办人二:",
id: "",
id: "zuzdwXbrXm2",
disabled: true,
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6325,15 +6313,16 @@ const lian_zczz = [
name: "协办人二联系电话:",
id: "",
id: "zuzdwXbrLxdh2",
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disabled: true,
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "刑事技术负责人:",
id: "",
name: "技术负责人:",
id: "xsjsfzrXm",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6342,7 +6331,7 @@ const lian_zczz = [
name: "技术负责人联系电话:",
id: "",
id: "xsjsfzrLxdh",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6350,8 +6339,8 @@ const lian_zczz = [
prop: 'checkEmpty',
name: "公安机关负责人:",
id: "",
name: "机关负责人:",
id: "gajgfzrXm",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -6360,7 +6349,7 @@ const lian_zczz = [
name: "机关负责人联系电话:",
id: "",
id: "gajgfzrLxdh",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10198,7 +10187,8 @@ const ajxx_zasd = [
const zczj_jbxx = [
name: "案事件编号:",
id: "",
id: "asjbh",
disabled: true,
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10206,17 +10196,9 @@ const zczj_jbxx = [
name: "案件类别:",
id: "",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "小案类型:",
id: "",
id: "zczjAjlb",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_AJLB",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10227,20 +10209,18 @@ const zczj_jbxx = [
const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "侦查终结单位名称:",
id: "",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeOptions: [],
id: "zczjdwGajgmc",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
prop: 'checkEmpty'
name: "侦查终结单位机构代码:",
id: "",
name: "侦查终结单位机构:",
id: "zczjdwGajgjgdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_UNIT",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10249,7 +10229,7 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "破案经过:",
id: "",
id: "zczjZcxwyjms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10258,15 +10238,16 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "立案日期:",
id: "",
id: "lasj",
type: "dates",
disabled: true,
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "侦查终结时间:",
id: "",
id: "zczjZxsj01",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10275,7 +10256,7 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "收缴财务价值(元):",
id: "",
id: "zczjSjcwjzrmby",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10284,7 +10265,7 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "作案人数:",
id: "",
id: "zczjZaryRs",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10293,9 +10274,9 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "日时段:",
id: "",
id: "zczjAsjfssjRsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_RSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10303,9 +10284,9 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "作案时机:",
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id: "zczjZasjZasjlbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_ZASJLB",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10313,17 +10294,17 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "时机补充描述:",
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type: "text",
id: "zczjZasjDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "涉案场所:",
id: "",
id: "zczjSacsSacslbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_SACS",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10332,17 +10313,17 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "场所补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "zczjSacsDmbcms",
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value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "空间部位:",
id: "",
id: "zczjKjbwKjbwlbdm",
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codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_KJBW",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10350,17 +10331,17 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "空间部位补充描述:",
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type: "text",
id: "zczjKjbwDmbcms",
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value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "作案工具类型:",
id: "",
id: "zczjZagjSawpdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_WPLX",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10368,26 +10349,25 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "作案动机:",
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id: "zczjZadjdm",
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codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_ZADJ",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
prop: 'checkEmpty'
name: "作案动机描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "zczjZadjms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "作案工具描述:",
id: "",
id: "zczjZagjJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10395,23 +10375,23 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
name: "作案目的描述:",
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id: "zczjZamdms",
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value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "18",
name: "损失财描述:",
id: "",
name: "损失财描述:",
id: "zczjAsjsscwJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "18",
name: "损失物品去向_简要情况:",
id: "",
name: "损失物品去向简要情况:",
id: "zczjSswpqxJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10422,9 +10402,9 @@ const zczj_ajfx = [
const zczj_zasd = [
name: "作案准备手段:",
id: "",
id: "zczjZazbsdZazbsddm",
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codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_ZAZBSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10432,7 +10412,7 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
name: "准备手段补充描述:",
id: "",
id: "zczjZazbsdDmbcms",
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10440,9 +10420,9 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
name: "接近手段:",
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id: "zczjJjsdJjsddm",
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codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_JJSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10450,17 +10430,17 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
name: "接近手段准备描述:",
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id: "zczjJjsdDmbcms",
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value: "",
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col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "胁迫手段:",
id: "",
id: "zczjXpsdXpsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_XPSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10468,17 +10448,17 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
name: "胁迫手段补充描述:",
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type: "text",
id: "zczjXpsdDmbcms",
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value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "胁迫使用物品类型:",
id: "",
id: "zczjXpsywpSawpdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_SAWPFL",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10486,17 +10466,17 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
name: "物品类型补充描述:",
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type: "text",
id: "zczjXpsywpDmbcms",
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value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "施暴手段:",
id: "",
id: "zczjSbsdSbsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_SBSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10504,17 +10484,17 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
name: "施暴手段补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "zczjSbsdDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "地域类型:",
id: "",
id: "zczjAsjfsddDylbdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_FADY",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10522,9 +10502,9 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
name: "干扰侦查手段:",
id: "",
id: "zczjGrzcsdGrzcsddm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeTree: "CODE_WZMJSD",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10532,17 +10512,17 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
name: "干扰手段补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "zczjGrzcsdDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "犯罪嫌疑人特殊行为:",
id: "",
id: "zczjFzxyrtsxwFzxyrtsxwdm",
type: "codeTree",
codeTree: "",
codeOptions: [],
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10550,15 +10530,15 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
name: "特殊行为补充描述:",
id: "",
type: "text",
id: "zczjFzxyrtsxwDmbcms",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
col: "18",
name: "熟悉作案环境情况:",
id: "",
id: "zczjFzxyrsxzahjqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10566,7 +10546,7 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
name: "其他手段特点简要情况:",
id: "",
id: "zczjQtsdtdJyqk",
type: "textarea",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10577,7 +10557,8 @@ const zczj_zasd = [
const zczj_blxx = [
name: "主办人姓名:",
id: "",
id: "zbrXm",
disabled: true,
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10585,15 +10566,17 @@ const zczj_blxx = [
name: "主办人联系电话:",
id: "",
id: "zbrLxdh",
type: "text",
disabled: true,
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
col: "2",
name: "协办人姓名:",
id: "",
id: "xbrXm",
disabled: true,
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10601,7 +10584,8 @@ const zczj_blxx = [
name: "协办人联系电话:",
id: "",
id: "xbrLxdh",
disabled: true,
type: "text",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -10609,7 +10593,7 @@ const zczj_blxx = [
name: "办理时间:",
id: "",
id: "blsj",
type: "dates",
value: "",
placeholder: "请输入",
......@@ -11636,6 +11620,7 @@ export {
......@@ -11644,6 +11629,7 @@ export {
......@@ -11693,6 +11679,7 @@ export {
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-09-08 17:35:31
* @LastEditTime: 2021-11-01 17:43:54
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\views\xxtk\case\addCase.vue
import formCompontent from "@c/form.vue";
import { querytbxwjsasj, updatettbxwjsasj } from "@/api/qgccj/ajxx.js";
import axios from "@/utils/http.js";
import {
} from "@/utils/params.js";
export default {
name: "zdxx",
components: {
data() {
return {
title: "修改接受案件信息",
propFormField: [
title: "基本信息",
id: 1,
objStr: "",
index: 0,
data: jsasj_jbxx,
title: "案件发生地",
id: 2,
objStr: "",
index: 1,
data: jsasj_ajfsd,
title: "案件分析信息",
id: 5,
objStr: "",
index: 16,
data: jsasj_ajfxxx,
title: "作案手段信息",
id: 3,
objStr: "",
index: 2,
data: jsasj_zasdxx,
title: "办理信息",
id: 4,
objStr: "",
index: 3,
data: jsasj_blxx,
formLabelAlign: {},
glxxXxzjbh: "",
xxzjbh: "",
asjbh: "",
methods: {
submit(params) {
let loading = this.$loading({
lock: true,
text: "正在保存...",
spinner: "el-icon-loading",
background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)",
if (!this.asjbh) {
} else {
this.editSubmit(params, loading);
windowRefresh() {
editSubmit(params, loading) {
updatettbxwjsasj(params).then((res) => {
if (res.success && res.code == 200) {
this.$alert("保存成功!", "提示", {
confirmButtonText: "确定",
type: "success",
callback: () => {
} else {
getshuju() {
var self = this;
let loading = this.$loading({
lock: true,
text: "正在加载...",
spinner: "el-icon-loading",
background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)",
asjbh: this.asjbh,
}).then((res) => {
var result =;
self.propFormField.forEach((fieldItem) => {
if ( && > 0) { => {
this.$set(this.formLabelAlign,, result[]);
self.$set(self.formLabelAlign, "editing", true);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
created() {
if (this.$route.query.asjbh) {
this.asjbh = this.$route.query.asjbh;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.formCompontent /deep/ {
#spbtn {
width: calc(100% - 40px);
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-09-08 17:35:31
* @LastEditTime: 2021-11-01 17:43:11
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\views\xxtk\case\addCase.vue
import formCompontent from "@c/form.vue";
import { querytbxwlaxx, updatetbxwlaxx } from "@/api/qgccj/ajxx.js";
import axios from "@/utils/http.js";
import {
} from "@/utils/params.js";
export default {
name: "zdxx",
components: {
data() {
return {
title: "修改立案信息",
propFormField: [
title: "基本信息",
id: 1,
objStr: "",
index: 0,
data: lian_jbxx,
title: "案发地",
id: 2,
objStr: "",
index: 1,
data: lian_afd,
title: "案件分析信息",
id: 3,
objStr: "",
index: 2,
data: lian_ajfxxx,
title: "作案手段",
id: 4,
objStr: "",
index: 3,
data: lian_zasdxx,
title: "侦查组织",
id: 5,
objStr: "",
index: 4,
data: lian_zczz,
formLabelAlign: {},
glxxXxzjbh: "",
xxzjbh: "",
asjbh: "",
methods: {
submit(params) {
let loading = this.$loading({
lock: true,
text: "正在保存...",
spinner: "el-icon-loading",
background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)",
if (!this.asjbh) {
} else {
this.editSubmit(params, loading);
windowRefresh() {
editSubmit(params, loading) {
updatetbxwlaxx(params).then((res) => {
if (res.success && res.code == 200) {
this.$alert("保存成功!", "提示", {
confirmButtonText: "确定",
type: "success",
callback: () => {
} else {
getshuju() {
var self = this;
let loading = this.$loading({
lock: true,
text: "正在加载...",
spinner: "el-icon-loading",
background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)",
asjbh: this.asjbh,
}).then((res) => {
var result =;
self.propFormField.forEach((fieldItem) => {
if ( && > 0) { => {
this.$set(this.formLabelAlign,, result[]);
self.$set(self.formLabelAlign, "editing", true);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
created() {
if (this.$route.query.asjbh) {
this.asjbh = this.$route.query.asjbh;
this.title = "修改立案信息";
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.formCompontent /deep/ {
#spbtn {
width: calc(100% - 40px);
* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2021-09-08 17:35:31
* @LastEditTime: 2021-11-01 17:43:33
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \founder_vue\src\views\xxtk\case\addCase.vue
import formCompontent from "@c/form.vue";
import { querytTbXwZczjXx, updateTbXwZczjXx } from "@/api/qgccj/ajxx.js";
import axios from "@/utils/http.js";
import { zczj_jbxx, zczj_ajfx, zczj_zasd, zczj_blxx } from "@/utils/params.js";
export default {
name: "zdxx",
components: {
data() {
return {
title: "修改侦查终结",
propFormField: [
title: "基本信息",
id: 1,
objStr: "",
index: 0,
data: zczj_jbxx,
title: "案件分析信息",
id: 2,
objStr: "",
index: 1,
data: zczj_ajfx,
title: "作案手段信息",
id: 3,
objStr: "",
index: 2,
data: zczj_zasd,
title: "办理信息",
id: 4,
objStr: "",
index: 3,
data: zczj_blxx,
formLabelAlign: {},
glxxXxzjbh: "",
xxzjbh: "",
asjbh: "",
methods: {
submit(params) {
let loading = this.$loading({
lock: true,
text: "正在保存...",
spinner: "el-icon-loading",
background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)",
if (!this.asjbh) {
} else {
this.editSubmit(params, loading);
windowRefresh() {
editSubmit(params, loading) {
updateTbXwZczjXx(params).then((res) => {
if (res.success && res.code == 200) {
this.$alert("保存成功!", "提示", {
confirmButtonText: "确定",
type: "success",
callback: () => {
} else {
getshuju() {
var self = this;
let loading = this.$loading({
lock: true,
text: "正在加载...",
spinner: "el-icon-loading",
background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)",
asjbh: this.asjbh,
}).then((res) => {
var result =;
self.propFormField.forEach((fieldItem) => {
if ( && > 0) { => {
this.$set(this.formLabelAlign,, result[]);
self.$set(self.formLabelAlign, "editing", true);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
created() {
if (this.$route.query.asjbh) {
this.asjbh = this.$route.query.asjbh;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.formCompontent /deep/ {
#spbtn {
width: calc(100% - 40px);
......@@ -131,15 +131,12 @@ export default {
isActive: true,
glxxXxzjbh: "",
type: "",
xxzjbh: "",
result: '',
result: "",
methods: {
saveExamine() {
submit(params) {
let self = this;
if (!params.get("file")) {
......@@ -178,7 +175,9 @@ export default {
addSubmit(params, loading) {
params.append("spsftg", "3");
if (this.type == "fqzl") {
params.append("sfqqzl", "1");
doAddZczlxx(params).then((res) => {
if (res.success && res.code == 200) {
this.$alert("保存成功!", "提示", {
......@@ -186,7 +185,11 @@ export default {
type: "success",
callback: () => {
if (this.type == "fqzl") {
} else {
} else {
......@@ -197,8 +200,10 @@ export default {
editSubmit(params, loading) {
params.append("zczlbh", this.xxzjbh);
params.append("spsftg", this.result.spsftg);
params.append("spsftg", "3");
if (this.type == "fqzl") {
params.append("sfqqzl", "1");
doEditZczlxx(params).then((res) => {
if (res.success && res.code == 200) {
this.$alert("保存成功!", "提示", {
......@@ -206,7 +211,11 @@ export default {
type: "success",
callback: () => {
if (this.type == "fqzl") {
} else {
} else {
......@@ -251,8 +260,8 @@ export default {
created() {
this.$store.commit("user/SET_Breadcrumb", this.breadcrumbList);
if (this.$route.query.glxxXxzjbh) {
this.glxxXxzjbh = this.$route.query.glxxXxzjbh;
if (this.$route.query.type) {
this.type = this.$route.query.type;
if (this.$route.query.xxzjbh) {
this.title = "修改侦查指令";
......@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
import rightContent from "@c/ptCxForm_components.vue";
import { deleteKyxsxx } from "@/api/rlqbxs.js";
import { zlToDelete, zlTqsp } from "@/api/zczl/zczl.js";
export default {
name: "rlqbxsxx",
components: {
......@@ -256,16 +256,47 @@ export default {
this.$store.commit("user/SET_Menu", this.Menu);
methods: {
add() {
examine(scope) {
this.$confirm("此操作将该指令提请审批, 是否继续?", "提示", {
confirmButtonText: "确定",
cancelButtonText: "取消",
type: "warning",
.then(() => {
zczlbh: scope.row.zczlbh,
}).then((res) => {
if (res.success && res.code == 200) {
type: "success",
message: "提请审批成功",
.catch(() => {
type: "info",
message: "已取消提请审批",
edit(scope) {
path: "adjustRlqbxs",
query: { xxzjbh: scope.row.xxzjbh },
path: "addsqfbzl",
query: { xxzjbh: scope.row.zczlbh, type: "xdzl" },
toXdzl() {
path: "/addsqfbzl",
query: {
type: "xdzl",
toXdzl() {},
dele(scope) {
this.$confirm("此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?", "提示", {
......@@ -274,8 +305,8 @@ export default {
type: "warning",
.then(() => {
xxzjbh: scope.row.xxzjbh,
zczlbh: scope.row.zczlbh,
}).then((res) => {
if (res.success && res.code == 200) {
......@@ -298,6 +329,7 @@ export default {
path: "/detailRlqbxs",
query: {
xxzjbh: scope.xxzjbh,
type: "xdzl",
......@@ -7,18 +7,84 @@
<el-dialog title="新增回报或续报" :visible.sync="newlyVisiable">
<el-form :inline="true" :model="lkForm" class="demo-form-inline">
<el-col :span="20" :offset="2" style="margin-top: 20px">
<el-form-item label="指令编号" style="width:100%">
style="width: 400px"
<el-col :span="20" :offset="2">
<el-form-item label="分派编号" style="width:100%">
style="width: 400px"
<el-col :span="20" :offset="2">
<el-form-item label="回报内容" style="width:100%">
:autosize="{ minRows: 3 }"
style="width: 400px"
<el-col :span="20" :offset="2">
<el-form-item label="附件信息" style="width:100%">
(flie, fileList) => {
fileArr = fileList;
:http-request="() => {}"
<el-button size="small" type="primary">选择上传</el-button>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="newlyVisiable = false">取 消</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitLKD">确 定</el-button>
import rightContent from "@c/ptCxForm_components.vue";
import { deleteKyxsxx } from "@/api/rlqbxs.js";
import {
} from "@/api/zczl/zczl.js";
export default {
name: "rlqbxsxx",
components: {
......@@ -401,6 +467,14 @@ export default {
fileArr: [],
newlyVisiable: false,
lkForm: {
zczlbh: "",
fpbh: "",
hbnr: "",
sfxb: "",
created() {
......@@ -410,32 +484,24 @@ export default {
this.$store.commit("user/SET_Header", this.header);
methods: {
add() {
edit(scope) {
path: "adjustRlqbxs",
query: { xxzjbh: scope.row.xxzjbh },
dele(scope) {
this.$confirm("此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?", "提示", {
qs(scope) {
this.$confirm("此操作将进行签收, 是否继续?", "提示", {
confirmButtonText: "确定",
cancelButtonText: "取消",
type: "warning",
.then(() => {
xxzjbh: scope.row.xxzjbh,
fpbh: scope.row.fpbh,
}).then((res) => {
if (res.success && res.code == 200) {
type: "success",
message: "删除成功",
message: "签收成功",
} else {
......@@ -445,14 +511,38 @@ export default {
message: "已取消删除",
toInfor(scope) {
path: "/detailRlqbxs",
query: {
xxzjbh: scope.xxzjbh,
fileOnchange(file, fileList) {
this.fileArr = fileList;
// if (fileList.length > 0) {
// this.fileArr = [fileList[0]]; // 这一步,是 展示最后一次选择的csv文件
// if (fileList.length > 1) this.$message.error("只能上传一个文件!");
// }
toHb(scope) {
this.sfxb = "0";
this.$set(this.lkForm, "zczlbh", scope.row.zczlbh);
this.$set(this.lkForm, "fpbh", scope.row.fpbh);
this.newlyVisiable = true;
// getHbxxDoHbxgByFpbh({ fpbh: scope.row.fpbh, sfxbxg: "" });
submitLKD() {
let params = new FormData();
for (let key in this.lkForm) {
params.append(key, this.lkForm[key]);
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileArr.length; i++) {
params.append("file", this.fileArr[i].raw);
params.append("sfxb", this.sfxb);
doAddHb(params).then((res) => {
console.log(this.fileArr, this.lkForm);
mounted() {},
......@@ -507,4 +597,7 @@ export default {
<style scoped lang="scss">
@import "@/assets/styles/rightContent.scss";
.el-input /deep/ .el-input__inner {
width: 300px;
......@@ -257,12 +257,17 @@ export default {
methods: {
sqfbzl() {
path: "/addsqfbzl",
query: {
type: "fqzl",
edit(scope) {
path: "addsqfbzl",
query: { xxzjbh: scope.row.zczlbh },
query: { xxzjbh: scope.row.zczlbh, type: "fqzl" },
dele(scope) {
......@@ -166,7 +166,11 @@ export default {
this.$set(this.formLabelAlign, "fssj", this.$moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"));
this.$moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")
this.$set(this.formLabelAlign, "kssj", this.$moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD"));
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