Commit 25071e5f by 宋珺琪


parent 2be0b916
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<mapper namespace="com.founder.publicapi.mapper.mysqlMapper.HnTbStRygxMapper">
<!-- select xmlagg(xmlparse(content name or ',' wellformed) order by name).getclobval() as name, sfzh-->
<select id="getSfzhList" resultType="com.founder.commonutils.model.newPublicEntity.hnkshEntity.HnTbStRygx">
select GROUP_CONCAT( NAME order by name , ',' ) as name, sfzh
select concat(group_concat(name order by name),',')name,sfzh
from hn_tb_st_rygx
where rwid = #{taskId}
and sfzh in (select sfzh
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