Commit 330bc703 by yangyang


parent a02232a4
......@@ -401,4 +401,17 @@ public class ZtypController {
return MapRestResult.error("上传失败!"+e);
@OperLog(message = "判断该手机号是否可以查询信息",operation = OperationType.QUERY)
@ApiOperation(value = "判断该手机号是否可以查询信息", notes = "判断该手机号是否可以查询信息")
public R judgePhone(String phoneNum){
try {
Integer count = ztypService.judgePhone(phoneNum);
return R.ok().data("count",count);
} catch (Exception e) {
return R.error(e.getMessage());
......@@ -72,4 +72,6 @@ public interface ZtypMapper{
List<AjThKshfxPojo> getkshConnectIpList(String thbh);
List<AjThKshfxPojo> getkshCashAccountList(String thbh);
int getXsbkOrCbBshByPhoneNum(@Value("phoneNum") String phoneNum);
......@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@
'asjbh' as type
from tb_yw_shse_thglxyr thxyr
join tb_xw_zbfzxyr zbxyr on thxyr.ZJHM = zbxyr.ZHFZXYR_CYZJ_ZJHM
join tb_st_asj asj on zbxyr.ASJBH = asj.ASJBH and asj.LARQ between DATE_FORMAT('2015-1-1','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') and now()
join tb_st_asj asj on zbxyr.ASJBH = asj.ASJBH and asj.LARQ between DATE_FORMAT('2015-1-1','%Y-%m-%d') and now()
where zbxyr.XXSC_PDBZ = '0' and asj.XXSC_PDBZ = '0'
and thxyr.ZJHM in
<foreach collection="fzXyrList" separator="," close=")" open="(" item="item" index="index">
......@@ -1713,4 +1713,11 @@
where thxyr.THBH = #{ thbh,jdbcType= VARCHAR }
group by thxyr.ZJHM, bankTrans.SKR_YHKH;
<!-- 判断该手机号在串并信息表中是否存在 -->
<select id="getXsbkOrCbBshByPhoneNum" parameterType="string" resultType="int">
( SELECT count( 1 ) FROM tb_yw_xsbk_bkxx WHERE XXSC_PDBZ = '0' AND BKDX_HM = #{phoneNum}
) + (
SELECT count( 1 ) FROM tb_yw_xsz_cbaj WHERE XXSC_PDBZ = '0' AND CBXGFWBZH = #{phoneNum})total
......@@ -70,4 +70,6 @@ public interface ZtypService{
Map<String, Object> getAsjxxByPhoneNum(TxxxParam txxxParam) throws Exception;
MapRestResult getThfxAccompliceBythId(String thbh, String fxwd, String commonRelationshipNum);
Integer judgePhone(String phoneNum);
......@@ -1865,4 +1865,10 @@ public class ZtypServiceImpl implements ZtypService {
return thlx;
public Integer judgePhone(String phoneNum) {
int count = ztypMapper.getXsbkOrCbBshByPhoneNum(phoneNum);
return count;
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