Commit 3c452480 by liuyongshuai


parent e2209f40
......@@ -557,10 +557,10 @@
<if test="username !=null"> and USERNAME like '%'||#{username}||'%'</if>
<if test="trueName !=null"> and true_name like '%'||#{trueName}||'%'</if>
<if test="identitycard !=null"> and IDENTITYCARD like '%'||#{identitycard}||'%'</if>
<if test="policemanid !=null"> and policemanid =#{policemanid}</if>
<if test="policemanid !=null"> and policemanid like '%'||#{policemanid}||'%'</if>
<if test="unitcode !=null"> and unitcode like '%'||#{unitcode}||'%'</if>
<if test="sex !=null"> and sex = #sex#</if>
<if test="openFlag !=null"> and OPEN_FLAG = #openFlag#</if>
<if test="openFlag !=null"> and OPEN_FLAG =#{openFlag,jdbcType=VARCHAR}</if>
......@@ -301,6 +301,9 @@
var form = layui.form, layer = layui.layer;
form.on('switch', function(data){
var index = layer.load(3, {shade:[0.8,'#fff'],content:'正在更新用户状态,请稍等!',time: 30*1000,success: function(layero){
layero.find('.layui-layer-content').css({'padding':'3px 0 0 60px','width':'300px','marger-left':'-200px'});
var elem = $(data.elem);
var trelem = elem.parents("tr");
var id=trelem.find(".laytable-cell-1-id").html();
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