Commit 6f54c712 by wang_jiaxing


parent a57d3c2c
......@@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ public class TbStAsjFlws {
private String wslb;
private byte[] wsnr;
private String wswz;
private int wsdx;
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ public class FlwsHqServiceImpl implements FlwsHqService {
byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
if (bytes != null && bytes.length > 0) {
flws.setWswz("/sjsb/43/TB_ST_ASJ_FLWS/" + flws.getXxzjbh() + ".pdf");
// System.out.println(flws.getXxzjbh() + " ======== " + flws.getWsnr().length + "字节");
......@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@
update tb_st_asj_flws
set flws_dzwjnr = #{wsnr},
flws_dzwjwz = #{wswz,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
flws_dzwjdx = #{wsdx,jdbcType=INTEGER},
gxsj = now()
where xxzjbh = #{xxzjbh,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<select id="selectList" resultType="com.founder.flwshq.entity.TbStAsjFlws">
select flws.xxzjbh as xxzjbh,
flws.asjbh as asjbh,
flws.asjxgrybh as rybh,
flws.jzrybh as rybh,
flws.flws_asjflwsdm as wslb
from tb_st_asj_flws flws, tb_st_asj asj
where flws.xxsc_pdbz = '0' and asj.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
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