Commit 12d39434 by liulianglang


parent 386673d9
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ public interface AjtjMapper {
List<TbXwZbfzxyr> getZaryList(AjtjParam ajtjParam);
int getZaryListCount(AjtjParam ajtjParam);
String getCodeLevByCode(String unitcode);
List<String> getDwdmList(Map<String, Object> map);
......@@ -319,10 +319,14 @@ from tb_st_asj asj where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0'
<select id="getAjZarsyuest" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.AjtjResult">
select asj.larq as monthName,sum( faNum from (
SELECT to_char(asj.larq,'yyyy-mm') as larq,asj.zary_rs as rs
FROM tb_st_asj asj
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0'
select asj.larq as monthName,count(1) faNum from (
SELECT to_char(asj.larq,'yyyy-mm') as larq
FROM tb_st_asj asj left join tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr on xyr.asjbh=asj.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
and (select count(1) from tb_st_asj_flws flws where flws.xxsc_pdbz='0'
and flws.asjxgrybh=xyr.zhfzxyr_asjxgrybh and flws.asjbh=xyr.asjbh and flws.flws_asjflwsdm in ('030600',
'030610','030611') ) >0
<if test="larqQssj!=null and larqQssj!=''"><!--时间不为空 根据立案日期选择查询-->
AND ASJ.LARQ <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{larqQssj, jdbcType=VARCHAR},'yyyy-mm-dd')
......@@ -347,7 +351,7 @@ from tb_st_asj asj where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0'
select asj.larq as monthName,count(1) faNum from (
SELECT to_char(asj.larq,'yyyy-mm') as larq
FROM tb_st_asj asj left join tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr on xyr.asjbh=asj.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0' and (xyr.ZHFZXYR_FZXYRDAZTDM='1' or xyr.zhrq is not null)
<if test="larqQssj!=null and larqQssj!=''"><!--时间不为空 根据立案日期选择查询-->
AND ASJ.LARQ <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{larqQssj, jdbcType=VARCHAR},'yyyy-mm-dd')
......@@ -417,9 +421,14 @@ from tb_st_asj asj where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0'
<select id="getqnrqZarsCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
SELECT sum(zary_rs)
FROM tb_st_asj asj
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and to_char(ASJ.LARQ,'yyyy-MM') =#{qnrq}
SELECT count(1)
FROM tb_st_asj asj left join tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr on xyr.asjbh=asj.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
and (select count(1) from tb_st_asj_flws flws where flws.xxsc_pdbz='0'
and flws.asjxgrybh=xyr.zhfzxyr_asjxgrybh and flws.asjbh=xyr.asjbh and flws.flws_asjflwsdm in ('030600',
'030610','030611') ) >0
and to_char(ASJ.LARQ,'yyyy-MM') =#{qnrq}
<if test="unitcodeList != null and unitcodeList.size() > 0">
<foreach collection="unitcodeList" item="dws" open="(" close=")" separator=" or ">
......@@ -435,7 +444,9 @@ from tb_st_asj asj where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0'
SELECT count(1)
FROM tb_st_asj asj left join tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr on xyr.asjbh=asj.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0' and to_char(ASJ.LARQ,'yyyy-MM') =#{qnrq}
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
and (xyr.ZHFZXYR_FZXYRDAZTDM='1' or xyr.zhrq is not null)
and to_char(ASJ.LARQ,'yyyy-MM') =#{qnrq}
<if test="unitcodeList != null and unitcodeList.size() > 0">
<foreach collection="unitcodeList" item="dws" open="(" close=")" separator=" or ">
......@@ -548,9 +559,14 @@ from tb_st_asj asj where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0'
<select id="getAjZars" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
SELECT sum(zary_rs)
FROM tb_st_asj asj
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0'
SELECT count(1)
FROM tb_st_asj asj left join tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr on xyr.asjbh=asj.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
and (select count(1) from tb_st_asj_flws flws where flws.xxsc_pdbz='0'
and flws.asjxgrybh=xyr.zhfzxyr_asjxgrybh and flws.asjbh=xyr.asjbh and flws.flws_asjflwsdm in ('030600',
'030610','030611') ) >0
<if test="larqQssj!=null and larqQssj!=''"><!--时间不为空 根据立案日期选择查询-->
AND ASJ.LARQ <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{larqQssj, jdbcType=VARCHAR},'yyyy-mm-dd')
......@@ -573,7 +589,7 @@ from tb_st_asj asj where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0'
SELECT count(1)
FROM tb_st_asj asj left join tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr on xyr.asjbh=asj.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0' and (xyr.ZHFZXYR_FZXYRDAZTDM='1' or xyr.zhrq is not null)
<if test="larqQssj!=null and larqQssj!=''"><!--时间不为空 根据立案日期选择查询-->
AND ASJ.LARQ <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{larqQssj, jdbcType=VARCHAR},'yyyy-mm-dd')
......@@ -747,6 +763,15 @@ from tb_st_asj asj where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0'
to_char(xyr.ZHRQ,'yyyy-mm-dd') zhrqstr
FROM tb_st_asj asj left join tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr on xyr.asjbh=asj.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
<if test="xyrlx != null and xyrlx != '' and xyrlx == 'yzh'.toString() ">
and (xyr.ZHFZXYR_FZXYRDAZTDM='1' or xyr.zhrq is not null)
<if test="xyrlx != null and xyrlx != '' and xyrlx == 'tqdp'.toString() ">
and (select count(1) from tb_st_asj_flws flws where flws.xxsc_pdbz='0'
and flws.asjxgrybh=xyr.zhfzxyr_asjxgrybh and flws.asjbh=xyr.asjbh and flws.flws_asjflwsdm in ('030600',
'030610','030611') ) >0
<if test="larqQssj!=null and larqQssj!=''"><!--时间不为空 根据立案日期选择查询-->
AND ASJ.LARQ <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{larqQssj, jdbcType=VARCHAR},'yyyy-mm-dd')
......@@ -773,6 +798,16 @@ from tb_st_asj asj where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0'
SELECT count(1)
FROM tb_st_asj asj left join tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr on xyr.asjbh=asj.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
<if test="xyrlx != null and xyrlx != '' and xyrlx == 'yzh'.toString() ">
and (xyr.ZHFZXYR_FZXYRDAZTDM='1' or xyr.zhrq is not null)
<if test="xyrlx != null and xyrlx != '' and xyrlx == 'tqdp'.toString() ">
and (select count(1) from tb_st_asj_flws flws where flws.xxsc_pdbz='0'
and flws.asjxgrybh=xyr.zhfzxyr_asjxgrybh and flws.asjbh=xyr.asjbh and flws.flws_asjflwsdm in ('030600',
'030610','030611') ) >0
<if test="larqQssj!=null and larqQssj!=''"><!--时间不为空 根据立案日期选择查询-->
AND ASJ.LARQ <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{larqQssj, jdbcType=VARCHAR},'yyyy-mm-dd')
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