Commit 797ebea7 by liulianglang


parent 6c1868a4
package org.springblade.founder.tjfx.controller;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import org.springblade.founder.tjfx.service.DwTjfxService;
import org.springblade.founder.utils.EasyUIPage;
import org.springblade.founder.utils.R;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import java.util.Map;
@RequestMapping(value = "/dwtj")
public class DwTjfxController {
private DwTjfxService dwTjfxService;
@ApiOperation(value = "单位统计")
public R getDwTj(@RequestParam(value = "unitcode",defaultValue = "") String unitcode,
@RequestParam(value = "kssj",defaultValue = "") String kssj,
@RequestParam(value = "jssj",defaultValue = "") String jssj,
@RequestParam(value = "ajlbdm",defaultValue = "") String ajlbdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "ajzt",defaultValue = "") String ajzt){
try {
Map<String, Object> rtMap = dwTjfxService.getDwTj(unitcode, kssj, jssj,ajzt,ajlbdm);
return R.ok().data(rtMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
return R.error(e.getMessage());
@ApiOperation(value = "单位统计透视")
public R getDwTjTs(@RequestParam(value = "unitcode",defaultValue = "") String unitcode,
@RequestParam(value = "kssj",defaultValue = "") String kssj,
@RequestParam(value = "jssj",defaultValue = "") String jssj,
@RequestParam(value = "ajzt",defaultValue = "") String ajzt,
@RequestParam(value = "tjlb",defaultValue = "") String tjlb ,
@RequestParam(value = "ajlbdm",defaultValue = "") String ajlbdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "qryType",defaultValue = "") String qryType ,
@RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "0") int limit){
try {
EasyUIPage easyUIPage = new EasyUIPage();
int begin = easyUIPage.getBegin();
int end = easyUIPage.getEnd();
Map<String, Object> rtMap = dwTjfxService.getDwTjTs(unitcode, kssj, jssj,ajzt,tjlb,ajlbdm,qryType,begin,end);
return R.ok().data(rtMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
return R.error(e.getMessage());
@ApiOperation(value = "损失物品单位统计透视")
public R getSswpslflTs(@RequestParam(value = "unitcode",defaultValue = "") String unitcode,
@RequestParam(value = "kssj",defaultValue = "") String kssj,
@RequestParam(value = "jssj",defaultValue = "") String jssj,
@RequestParam(value = "ajzt",defaultValue = "") String ajzt,
@RequestParam(value = "tjlb",defaultValue = "") String tjlb ,
@RequestParam(value = "ajlbdm",defaultValue = "") String ajlbdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "qryType",defaultValue = "") String qryType ,
@RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "0") int limit){
try {
EasyUIPage easyUIPage = new EasyUIPage();
int begin = easyUIPage.getBegin();
int end = easyUIPage.getEnd();
Map<String, Object> rtMap = dwTjfxService.getSswpslflTs(unitcode, kssj, jssj,ajzt,tjlb,ajlbdm,qryType,begin,end);
return R.ok().data(rtMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
return R.error(e.getMessage());
@ApiOperation(value = "嫌疑人户籍单位统计透视")
public R getXyrhjTj(@RequestParam(value = "unitcode",defaultValue = "") String unitcode,
@RequestParam(value = "kssj",defaultValue = "") String kssj,
@RequestParam(value = "jssj",defaultValue = "") String jssj,
@RequestParam(value = "ajzt",defaultValue = "") String ajzt,
@RequestParam(value = "tjlb",defaultValue = "") String tjlb ,
@RequestParam(value = "ajlbdm",defaultValue = "") String ajlbdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "qryType",defaultValue = "") String qryType ,
@RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "0") int limit){
try {
EasyUIPage easyUIPage = new EasyUIPage();
int begin = easyUIPage.getBegin();
int end = easyUIPage.getEnd();
Map<String, Object> rtMap = dwTjfxService.getXyrhjTj(unitcode, kssj, jssj,ajzt,tjlb,ajlbdm,qryType,begin,end);
return R.ok().data(rtMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
return R.error(e.getMessage());
@ApiOperation(value = "嫌疑人户籍单位统计透视")
public R getXyrNlTj(@RequestParam(value = "unitcode",defaultValue = "") String unitcode,
@RequestParam(value = "kssj",defaultValue = "") String kssj,
@RequestParam(value = "jssj",defaultValue = "") String jssj,
@RequestParam(value = "ajzt",defaultValue = "") String ajzt,
@RequestParam(value = "tjlb",defaultValue = "") String tjlb ,
@RequestParam(value = "ajlbdm",defaultValue = "") String ajlbdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "qryType",defaultValue = "") String qryType ,
@RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "0") int limit){
try {
EasyUIPage easyUIPage = new EasyUIPage();
int begin = easyUIPage.getBegin();
int end = easyUIPage.getEnd();
Map<String, Object> rtMap = dwTjfxService.getXyrNlTj(unitcode, kssj, jssj,ajzt,tjlb,ajlbdm,qryType,begin,end);
return R.ok().data(rtMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
return R.error(e.getMessage());
@ApiOperation(value = "嫌疑人户籍单位统计透视")
public R getShrhjTj(@RequestParam(value = "unitcode",defaultValue = "") String unitcode,
@RequestParam(value = "kssj",defaultValue = "") String kssj,
@RequestParam(value = "jssj",defaultValue = "") String jssj,
@RequestParam(value = "ajzt",defaultValue = "") String ajzt,
@RequestParam(value = "tjlb",defaultValue = "") String tjlb ,
@RequestParam(value = "ajlbdm",defaultValue = "") String ajlbdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "qryType",defaultValue = "") String qryType ,
@RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "0") int limit){
try {
EasyUIPage easyUIPage = new EasyUIPage();
int begin = easyUIPage.getBegin();
int end = easyUIPage.getEnd();
Map<String, Object> rtMap = dwTjfxService.getShrhjTj(unitcode, kssj, jssj,ajzt,tjlb,ajlbdm,qryType,begin,end);
return R.ok().data(rtMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
return R.error(e.getMessage());
@ApiOperation(value = "嫌疑人户籍单位统计透视")
public R getShrNlTj(@RequestParam(value = "unitcode",defaultValue = "") String unitcode,
@RequestParam(value = "kssj",defaultValue = "") String kssj,
@RequestParam(value = "jssj",defaultValue = "") String jssj,
@RequestParam(value = "ajzt",defaultValue = "") String ajzt,
@RequestParam(value = "tjlb",defaultValue = "") String tjlb ,
@RequestParam(value = "ajlbdm",defaultValue = "") String ajlbdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "qryType",defaultValue = "") String qryType ,
@RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "0") int limit){
try {
EasyUIPage easyUIPage = new EasyUIPage();
int begin = easyUIPage.getBegin();
int end = easyUIPage.getEnd();
Map<String, Object> rtMap = dwTjfxService.getShrNlTj(unitcode, kssj, jssj,ajzt,tjlb,ajlbdm,qryType,begin,end);
return R.ok().data(rtMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
return R.error(e.getMessage());
@ApiOperation(value = "嫌疑人户籍or年龄单位统计透视")
public R getXyrHjorNlTjTs(@RequestParam(value = "unitcode",defaultValue = "") String unitcode,
@RequestParam(value = "kssj",defaultValue = "") String kssj,
@RequestParam(value = "jssj",defaultValue = "") String jssj,
@RequestParam(value = "ajzt",defaultValue = "") String ajzt,
@RequestParam(value = "tjlb",defaultValue = "") String tjlb ,
@RequestParam(value = "ajlbdm",defaultValue = "") String ajlbdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "xzqhdm",defaultValue = "") String xzqhdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "qryType",defaultValue = "") String qryType ,
@RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "0") int limit){
try {
EasyUIPage easyUIPage = new EasyUIPage();
int begin = easyUIPage.getBegin();
int end = easyUIPage.getEnd();
Map<String, Object> rtMap = dwTjfxService.getXyrHjorNlTjTs(unitcode, kssj, jssj,ajzt,tjlb,ajlbdm,xzqhdm,qryType,begin,end);
return R.ok().data(rtMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
return R.error(e.getMessage());
@ApiOperation(value = "嫌疑人户籍or年龄单位统计透视")
public R getShrHjorNlTjTs(@RequestParam(value = "unitcode",defaultValue = "") String unitcode,
@RequestParam(value = "kssj",defaultValue = "") String kssj,
@RequestParam(value = "jssj",defaultValue = "") String jssj,
@RequestParam(value = "ajzt",defaultValue = "") String ajzt,
@RequestParam(value = "tjlb",defaultValue = "") String tjlb ,
@RequestParam(value = "ajlbdm",defaultValue = "") String ajlbdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "xzqhdm",defaultValue = "") String xzqhdm ,
@RequestParam(value = "qryType",defaultValue = "") String qryType ,
@RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "0") int limit){
try {
EasyUIPage easyUIPage = new EasyUIPage();
int begin = easyUIPage.getBegin();
int end = easyUIPage.getEnd();
Map<String, Object> rtMap = dwTjfxService.getShrHjorNlTjTs(unitcode, kssj, jssj,ajzt,tjlb,ajlbdm,xzqhdm,qryType,begin,end);
return R.ok().data(rtMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
return R.error(e.getMessage());
package org.springblade.founder.tjfx.mapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.InterceptorIgnore;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.*;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public interface DwTjfxMapper {
DictitemXz getDwxxByDwdm(String unitcode);
List<DictitemXz> getXqdwList(Map<String, Object> levMap);
@InterceptorIgnore(tenantLine = "1")
DwXnpgTj getDwTjFx(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
List<TbStAsj> getDwTjTs(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
int getDwTjTsCount(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
Sswpfltj getSswpfltj(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
List<AjtjResult> getXyrhjTj(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
XyrNltj getXyrNlTj(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
List<AjtjResult> getShrhjTj(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
XyrNltj getShrNlTj(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
List<TbXwZbfzxyr> getXyrHjorNlTjTs(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
int getXyrHjorNlTjTsCount(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
List<TbXwRybh> getShrHjorNlTjTs(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
int getShrHjorNlTjTsCount(Map<String, Object> paramMap);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "" >
<mapper namespace="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.mapper.DwTjfxMapper">
<select id="getDwxxByDwdm" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.DictitemXz">
select name as name,name_sj as nameSj, code as code,lev as lev from sys_dictitem_xz
where code=#{unitcode}
<select id="getXqdwList" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.DictitemXz">
select name as name,name_sj as nameSj, code as code,lev as lev from sys_dictitem_xz
where (lev=#{lev}
<if test="codeLevCol != null and codeLevCol !=''">
and ${codeLevCol} = #{unitcode}
<if test="includeBdw =='true'">
or code = #{unitcode}
order by code
<if test="end!=0 and end != null and end != ''">
limit #{begin}, #{end}
<select id="getSswpfltj" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.Sswpfltj">
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssdy sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) ssdy,
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssqz sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> ) ssqz,
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_sskl sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> ) sskl,
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_sszj sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> ) sszj,
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssww sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> ) ssww,
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssqtwp sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> ) ssqtwp,
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssjdc sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> ) ssjdc,
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssddfjdc sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> ) ssfjdc,
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssydtxsb sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> ) ssydtxsb
from dual
<select id="getDwTjFx" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.DwXnpgTj">
(select count(1) from tb_st_asj ASJ where xxsc_pdbz='0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>) as ajts
select count(1)
<include refid="cjsswpajs-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>) as cjsswpajs
select count(1)
<include refid="wcjsswpajs-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>) as wcjsswpajs
<include refid="cssswpsl-where"/>) as cssswpsl
select count(1)
<include refid="cjxyrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>) as cjxyrajl
select count(1)
<include refid="wcjxyrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>) as wcjxyrajl
select count(1)
<include refid="cjxyrsl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>) as cjxyrsl
select count(1)
<include refid="cjshrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>) as cjshrajl
select count(1)
<include refid="wcjshrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>) as wcjshrajl
select count(1)
<include refid="cjshrsl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>) as cjshrsl
from dual
<select id="getDwTjTs" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.TbStAsj">
<include refid="pagination-head" />
<include refid="aj-common-column"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'ajts'.toString() ">
from tb_st_asj ASJ where xxsc_pdbz='0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'cjsswpajs'.toString() ">
<include refid="cjsswpajs-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'wcjsswpajs'.toString() ">
<include refid="wcjsswpajs-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'cjxyrajl'.toString() ">
<include refid="cjxyrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'wcjxyrajl'.toString() ">
<include refid="wcjxyrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'cjshrajl'.toString() ">
<include refid="cjshrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'wcjshrajl'.toString() ">
<include refid="wcjshrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
order by ASJ.larq desc
<include refid="pagination-tail" />
<select id="getDwTjTsCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'ajts'.toString() ">
from tb_st_asj ASJ where xxsc_pdbz='0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'cjsswpajs'.toString() ">
<include refid="cjsswpajs-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'wcjsswpajs'.toString() ">
<include refid="wcjsswpajs-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'cjxyrajl'.toString() ">
<include refid="cjxyrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'wcjxyrajl'.toString() ">
<include refid="wcjxyrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'cjshrajl'.toString() ">
<include refid="cjshrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'wcjshrajl'.toString() ">
<include refid="wcjshrajl-where"/>
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<select id="getXyrhjTj" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.AjtjResult">
(case when bb.code is null then '未知' else bb.code end) as code,
(case when is null then '未知' else end) as name,
bb.num as num
from (
aa.code as code,
(select name from sys_dictitem where groupid='CODE_XZQH' and code = substr(concat(aa.code,'00000000'),0,6) and scbz = '0') as name,
aa.num as num
from (
substr(xyr.zhfzxyr_hjdz_xzqhdm,0,2) as code,
count(*) as num
from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
group by substr(xyr.zhfzxyr_hjdz_xzqhdm,0,2)
) aa ) bb
<select id="getXyrNlTj" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.XyrNltj">
(select count(1)
from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr
left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and (xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX >= to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') or ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX is
null )
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) nl10,
(select count(1)
from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr
left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) nl00,
(select count(1)
from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr
left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1990-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1999-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) nl90,
(select count(1)
from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr
left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1980-01-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1989-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) nl80,
(select count(1)
from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr
left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX <![CDATA[<=]]> to_date('1979-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) nl70
from dual
<select id="getShrhjTj" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.AjtjResult">
(case when bb.code is null then '未知' else bb.code end) as code,
(case when is null then '未知' else end) as name,
bb.num as num
from (
aa.code as code,
(select name from sys_dictitem where groupid='CODE_XZQH' and code = substr(concat(aa.code,'00000000'),0,6) and scbz = '0') as name,
aa.num as num
from (
substr(xyr.BHR_HJDZ_XZQHDM,0,2) as code,
count(*) as num
from tb_xw_rybh xyr left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
group by substr(xyr.BHR_HJDZ_XZQHDM,0,2)
) aa ) bb
<select id="getShrNlTj" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.XyrNltj">
(select count(1)
from tb_xw_rybh xyr
left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and (xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX >= to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') or BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX is
null )
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) nl10,
(select count(1)
from tb_xw_rybh xyr
left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) nl00,
(select count(1)
from tb_xw_rybh xyr
left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1990-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1999-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) nl90,
(select count(1)
from tb_xw_rybh xyr
left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1980-01-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1989-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) nl80,
(select count(1)
from tb_xw_rybh xyr
left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX <![CDATA[<=]]> to_date('1979-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
) nl70
from dual
<select id="getXyrHjorNlTjTs" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.TbXwZbfzxyr">
<include refid="pagination-head" />
xyr.ZHFZXYR_XM zhfzxyrXm,xyr.ZHFZXYR_ASJXGRYBH rybh,
(select name from sys_dictitem d where d.groupid = 'CODE_XB' and
xyr.ZHFZXYR_XBDM=d.code) zhfzxyrXbdm,
xyr.ZHFZXYR_CYZJ_ZJHM zhfzxyrCyzjZjhm,
(select name from sys_dictitem where groupid='CODE_XZQH' and code=xyr.ZHFZXYR_HJDZ_XZQHDM) as hjdzXzqhdm,
xyr.zhfzxyr_xzz_dzmc as xzdDzmc,
(select name from sys_dictitem d where d.groupid = 'CODE_DAZT' and
xyr.ZHFZXYR_FZXYRDAZTDM=d.code) zhfzxyrFzxyrdaztdm,
to_char(xyr.ZHRQ,'yyyy-mm-dd') zhrqstr
from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl10'.toString() ">
and (xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX >= to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') or ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX is
null )
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl00'.toString() ">
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl90'.toString() ">
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1990-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1999-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl80'.toString() ">
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1980-01-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1989-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl70'.toString() ">
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX <![CDATA[<=]]> to_date('1979-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="xzqhdm != null and xzqhdm != '' ">
and xyr.zhfzxyr_hjdz_xzqhdm like concat(#{xzqhdm},'%')
<if test="xzqhdm != null and xzqhdm != '' and xzqhdm == '未知'.toString() ">
and xyr.zhfzxyr_hjdz_xzqhdm is null
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
order by xyr.ZHRQ desc nulls last
<include refid="pagination-tail" />
<select id="getXyrHjorNlTjTsCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl10'.toString() ">
and (xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX >= to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') or ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX is
null )
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl00'.toString() ">
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl90'.toString() ">
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1990-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1999-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl80'.toString() ">
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1980-01-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1989-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl70'.toString() ">
and xyr.ZHFZXYR_CSRQ_RQGZXX <![CDATA[<=]]> to_date('1979-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="xzqhdm != null and xzqhdm != '' ">
and xyr.zhfzxyr_hjdz_xzqhdm like concat(#{xzqhdm},'%')
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<select id="getShrHjorNlTjTs" resultType="org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.TbXwRybh">
<include refid="pagination-head" />
xyr.bhr_asjxgrybh bhrAsjxgrybh,
xyr.bhr_csrq_rqgzsx as bhrCsrqRqgzsx,
xyr.bhr_csrq_rqgzxx as bhrCsrqRqgzxx,
xyr.bhr_xm bhrXm,
xyr.bhr_cyzj_zjhm bhrCyzjZjhm,
xyr.bhr_jgdm as bhrJgdm,
(select name from sys_dictitem dic where dic.groupid='CODE_SF' and dic.code=xyr.bhr_asjxgrysf_asjxgrysfdm) bhrAsjxgrysfAsjxgrysfdm,
(select name from sys_dictitem dic where dic.groupid='CODE_XB' and dic.code=xyr.bhr_xbdm) bhrXbdm,
(select name from sys_dictitem dic where dic.groupid='CODE_ZJ' and dic.code=xyr.bhr_cyzj_cyzjdm) bhrCyzjCyzjdm,
xyr.bhr_lxdh bhrLxdh,
xyr.bhr_xzz_xzqhdm as bhrXzzXzqhdm,
(select name from sys_dictitem dic where dic.groupid='CODE_XZQH' and dic.code=xyr.bhr_hjdz_xzqhdm) as bhrHjdzXzqhdm,
xyr.bhr_hjdz_dzmc bhrHjdzDzmc
from tb_xw_rybh xyr left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl10'.toString() ">
and (xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX >= to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') or BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX is
null )
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl00'.toString() ">
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl90'.toString() ">
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1990-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1999-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl80'.toString() ">
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1980-01-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1989-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl70'.toString() ">
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX <![CDATA[<=]]> to_date('1979-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="xzqhdm != null and xzqhdm != '' ">
and xyr.bhr_hjdz_xzqhdm like concat(#{xzqhdm},'%')
<if test="xzqhdm != null and xzqhdm != '' and xzqhdm == '未知'.toString() ">
and xyr.bhr_hjdz_xzqhdm is null
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
order by ASJ.larq desc
<include refid="pagination-tail" />
<select id="getShrHjorNlTjTsCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
from tb_xw_rybh xyr left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where asj.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0'
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl10'.toString() ">
and (xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX >= to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') or BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX is
null )
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl00'.toString() ">
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('2009-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl90'.toString() ">
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1990-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1999-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl80'.toString() ">
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX between to_date('1980-01-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('1989-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="tjlb != null and tjlb != '' and tjlb == 'nl70'.toString() ">
and xyr.BHR_CSRQ_RQGZXX <![CDATA[<=]]> to_date('1979-12-31 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
<if test="xzqhdm != null and xzqhdm != '' ">
and xyr.bhr_hjdz_xzqhdm like concat(#{xzqhdm},'%')
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
<sql id="aj-common-column">
ASJ.asjbh as asjbh,
ASJ.ladw_Gajgmc AS ladwGajgmc,
ASJ.ZCZJ_ZXSJ01 AS zczjZxsj01,
ASJ.larq AS larq,
ASJ.asjfssj_Asjfskssj AS asjfssjAsjfskssj,
(SELECT name FROM sys_dictitem WHERE groupid = 'CODE_AJLB' AND code = ASJ.ajlbdm) as ajlbdm,
(SELECT name FROM sys_dictitem WHERE groupid = 'CODE_AJXZ' AND code = ASJ.zatz_jyqk) as zatzJyqk,
ASJ.ajmc AS ajmc,
ASJ.jyaq AS jyaq
<sql id="paQry-where">
<if test="kssj != null and kssj != ''">
AND ASJ.LARQ <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{larqQssj, jdbcType=VARCHAR},'yyyy-mm-dd')
<if test="jssj != null and jssj != ''">
AND ASJ.LARQ <![CDATA[<]]> to_date(#{larqJssj, jdbcType=VARCHAR},'yyyy-mm-dd ') +1
<if test="qryType == 'bdw'">
and asj.LADW_GAJGJGDM = #{unitcode}
<if test="qryType == 'bxq'">
and asj.LADW_GAJGJGDM in (select code from sys_dictitem_xz where code_lev1 =#{unitcode} or
code_lev2 =#{unitcode} or code_lev3 =#{unitcode}
or code_lev4 =#{unitcode} or code_lev5 =#{unitcode})
<sql id="asjQry-where">
<if test="kssj != null and kssj != ''">
AND ASJ.LARQ <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{kssj, jdbcType=VARCHAR},'yyyy-mm-dd')
<if test="jssj != null and jssj != ''">
AND ASJ.LARQ <![CDATA[<]]> to_date(#{jssj, jdbcType=VARCHAR},'yyyy-mm-dd ') +1
<if test="ajzt != null and ajzt != '' and ajzt == '1'.toString() ">
and ASJ.ZCJDDM = '0400'
<if test="ajzt != null and ajzt != '' and ajzt == '2'.toString() ">
and ASJ.ZCJDDM = '0600'
<if test="ajlbdm != null and ajlbdm != '' ">
and ASJ.ajlbdm = #{ajlbdm}
<if test="qryType == 'bdw'">
and ASJ.LADW_GAJGJGDM = #{unitcode}
<if test="qryType == 'bxq'">
and ASJ.LADW_GAJGJGDM in (select code from sys_dictitem_xz where code_lev1 =#{unitcode} or
code_lev2 =#{unitcode} or code_lev3 =#{unitcode}
or code_lev4 =#{unitcode} or code_lev5 =#{unitcode})
<sql id="cjsswpajs-where">
from tb_st_asj ASJ where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and (
(select count(1) from tb_xw_ssdy sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) >0
or (select count(1) from tb_xw_ssqz sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) >0
or (select count(1) from tb_xw_sskl sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) >0
or (select count(1) from tb_xw_sszj sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) >0
or (select count(1) from tb_xw_ssww sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) >0
or (select count(1) from tb_xw_ssqtwp sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) >0
or (select count(1) from tb_xw_ssjdc sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) >0
or (select count(1) from tb_xw_ssydtxsb sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) >0
<sql id="wcjsswpajs-where">
from tb_st_asj ASJ where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and (
(select count(1) from tb_xw_ssdy sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0' and sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh) = 0
and (select count(1) from tb_xw_ssqz sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0' and sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh) = 0
and (select count(1) from tb_xw_sskl sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0' and sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh) = 0
and (select count(1) from tb_xw_sszj sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0' and sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh) = 0
and (select count(1) from tb_xw_ssww sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0' and sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh) = 0
and (select count(1) from tb_xw_ssqtwp sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0' and sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh) = 0
and (select count(1) from tb_xw_ssjdc sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0' and sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh) = 0
and (select count(1) from tb_xw_ssydtxsb sswp where sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0' and sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh) = 0
<sql id="cssswpsl-where">
select sum(zs) sswpzs from (
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssdy sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/>
union all
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssqz sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> )
union all
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_sskl sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> )
union all
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_sszj sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> )
union all
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssww sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> )
union all
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssqtwp sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> )
union all
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssjdc sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> )
union all
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssddfjdc sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> )
union all
(select count(1) zs from tb_st_asj ASJ left join tb_xw_ssydtxsb sswp on sswp.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and sswp.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<include refid="asjQry-where"/> )
) ss
<sql id="cjxyrajl-where">
from tb_st_asj ASJ where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and (
(select count(1) from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr where xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) >0 )
<sql id="wcjxyrajl-where">
from tb_st_asj ASJ where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and (
(select count(1) from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr where xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) =0 )
<sql id="cjxyrsl-where">
from tb_xw_zbfzxyr xyr left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<sql id="cjshrajl-where">
from tb_st_asj ASJ where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and (
(select count(1) from tb_xw_rybh xyr where xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) >0 )
<sql id="wcjshrajl-where">
from tb_st_asj ASJ where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and (
(select count(1) from tb_xw_rybh xyr where xyr.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.asjbh= ASJ.asjbh) =0 )
<sql id="cjshrsl-where">
from tb_xw_rybh xyr left join tb_st_asj ASJ on xyr.asjbh = ASJ.asjbh
where ASJ.xxsc_pdbz='0' and xyr.xxsc_pdbz = '0'
<sql id="pagination-head">
select * from (
select t.*,rownum rn from (
<sql id="pagination-tail">
) t
WHERE ROWNUM <![CDATA[<=]]> #{limit}
) WHERE RN > #{page}
package org.springblade.founder.tjfx.service;
import java.util.Map;
public interface DwTjfxService {
Map<String, Object> getDwTj(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String ajlbdm);
Map<String, Object> getDwTjTs(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit);
Map<String, Object> getSswpslflTs(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit);
Map<String, Object> getXyrhjTj(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit);
Map<String, Object> getXyrNlTj(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit);
Map<String, Object> getShrhjTj(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit);
Map<String, Object> getShrNlTj(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit);
Map<String, Object> getXyrHjorNlTjTs(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String xzqhdm,String qryType,int page,int limit);
Map<String, Object> getShrHjorNlTjTs(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String xzqhdm,String qryType,int page,int limit);
package org.springblade.founder.tjfx.service.impl;
import com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.annotation.DS;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.springblade.founder.tjfx.entity.*;
import org.springblade.founder.tjfx.mapper.DwTjfxMapper;
import org.springblade.founder.tjfx.service.DwTjfxService;
import org.springblade.founder.utils.DwUtil;
import org.springblade.modules.system.entity.XzxtUser;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class DwTjfxServiceImpl implements DwTjfxService {
private DwTjfxMapper dwTjfxMapper;
public Map<String, Object> getDwTj(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String ajlbdm) {
Map<String, Object> rtMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> paramMap=new HashMap<>();
List<DwXnpgTj> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unitcode)) {
XzxtUser xzxtUser = SecureUtil.getUserXzxt();
unitcode = xzxtUser.getUnitcode();//获取对应用户的单位
DictitemXz bdwxx = dwTjfxMapper.getDwxxByDwdm(unitcode);
Map<String, Object> dwLevMap = DwUtil.getDwLevCode(unitcode, bdwxx.getLev());
paramMap.put("unitcode", unitcode);
paramMap.put("kssj", kssj);
paramMap.put("jssj", jssj);
paramMap.put("ajzt", ajzt);
paramMap.put("ajlbdm", ajlbdm);
List<DictitemXz> unitList = dwTjfxMapper.getXqdwList(dwLevMap);
int ajts=0;//案件总量
int cjsswpajs=0;//采集损失物品案件量
int wcjsswpajs=0;//未采集损失物品案件量
int cssswpsl=0;//采集损失物品数量
int cjxyrajl=0;//采集嫌疑人案件量
int wcjxyrajl=0;//未采集嫌疑人案件量
int cjxyrsl=0;//采集嫌疑人数量
int cjshrajl=0;//采集受害人案件量
int wcjshrajl=0;//未采集受害人案件量
int cjshrsl=0;//采集受害人数量
for (int i = 0; i < unitList.size(); i++) {
DictitemXz item = unitList.get(i);
String dwdm = item.getCode();
String dwmc = item.getName();
String dwtype="";
paramMap.put("unitcode", dwdm);
if (i == 0) {
paramMap.put("qryType", "bdw");
dwtype= "bdw";
} else {
paramMap.put("qryType", "bxq");
dwtype= "bxq";
DwXnpgTj dwXnpgTj = dwTjfxMapper.getDwTjFx(paramMap);
// if (dwXnpgTj.getAjts() == 0) {
// continue;
// }
System.out.println("unitcode"+dwdm+":===="+ JSON.toJSONString(dwXnpgTj));
ajts += dwXnpgTj.getAjts();
cjsswpajs += dwXnpgTj.getCjsswpajs();
wcjsswpajs += dwXnpgTj.getWcjsswpajs();
cssswpsl += dwXnpgTj.getCssswpsl();
cjxyrajl += dwXnpgTj.getCjxyrajl();
wcjxyrajl += dwXnpgTj.getWcjxyrajl();
cjxyrsl += dwXnpgTj.getCjxyrsl();
cjshrajl += dwXnpgTj.getCjshrajl();
wcjshrajl+= dwXnpgTj.getWcjshrajl();
cjshrsl += dwXnpgTj.getCjshrsl();
// DwXnpgTj dwXnpgTj = new DwXnpgTj();
// dwXnpgTj.setDwdm("");
// dwXnpgTj.setDwmc("合计");
// dwXnpgTj.setAjts(ajts);
// dwXnpgTj.setCjsswpajs(cjsswpajs);
// dwXnpgTj.setWcjsswpajs(wcjsswpajs);
// dwXnpgTj.setCssswpsl(cssswpsl);
// dwXnpgTj.setCjxyrajl(cjxyrajl);
// dwXnpgTj.setWcjxyrajl(wcjxyrajl);
// dwXnpgTj.setCjxyrsl(cjxyrsl);
// dwXnpgTj.setCjshrajl(cjshrajl);
// dwXnpgTj.setWcjshrajl(wcjshrajl);
// dwXnpgTj.setCjshrsl(cjshrsl);
// dataList.add(dwXnpgTj);
return rtMap;
public Map<String, Object> getDwTjTs(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit) {
Map<String, Object> rtMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> paramMap=new HashMap<>();
List<TbStAsj> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unitcode)) {
XzxtUser xzxtUser = SecureUtil.getUserXzxt();
unitcode = xzxtUser.getUnitcode();//获取对应用户的单位
paramMap.put("unitcode", unitcode);
paramMap.put("kssj", kssj);
paramMap.put("jssj", jssj);
paramMap.put("ajzt", ajzt);
paramMap.put("tjlb", tjlb);
paramMap.put("page", page);
paramMap.put("limit", limit);
paramMap.put("ajlbdm", ajlbdm);
paramMap.put("qryType", qryType);
int count =dwTjfxMapper.getDwTjTsCount(paramMap);
return rtMap;
public Map<String, Object> getSswpslflTs(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit) {
Map<String, Object> rtMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> paramMap=new HashMap<>();
List<TbStAsj> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unitcode)) {
XzxtUser xzxtUser = SecureUtil.getUserXzxt();
unitcode = xzxtUser.getUnitcode();//获取对应用户的单位
paramMap.put("unitcode", unitcode);
paramMap.put("kssj", kssj);
paramMap.put("jssj", jssj);
paramMap.put("ajzt", ajzt);
paramMap.put("tjlb", tjlb);
paramMap.put("page", page);
paramMap.put("limit", limit);
paramMap.put("ajlbdm", ajlbdm);
paramMap.put("qryType", qryType);
Sswpfltj sswp =dwTjfxMapper.getSswpfltj(paramMap);
return rtMap;
public Map<String, Object> getXyrhjTj(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit) {
Map<String, Object> rtMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> paramMap=new HashMap<>();
List<AjtjResult> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unitcode)) {
XzxtUser xzxtUser = SecureUtil.getUserXzxt();
unitcode = xzxtUser.getUnitcode();//获取对应用户的单位
paramMap.put("unitcode", unitcode);
paramMap.put("kssj", kssj);
paramMap.put("jssj", jssj);
paramMap.put("ajzt", ajzt);
paramMap.put("tjlb", tjlb);
paramMap.put("page", page);
paramMap.put("limit", limit);
paramMap.put("ajlbdm", ajlbdm);
paramMap.put("qryType", qryType);
dataList =dwTjfxMapper.getXyrhjTj(paramMap);
return rtMap;
public Map<String, Object> getXyrNlTj(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit) {
Map<String, Object> rtMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> paramMap=new HashMap<>();
List<AjtjResult> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unitcode)) {
XzxtUser xzxtUser = SecureUtil.getUserXzxt();
unitcode = xzxtUser.getUnitcode();//获取对应用户的单位
paramMap.put("unitcode", unitcode);
paramMap.put("kssj", kssj);
paramMap.put("jssj", jssj);
paramMap.put("ajzt", ajzt);
paramMap.put("tjlb", tjlb);
paramMap.put("page", page);
paramMap.put("limit", limit);
paramMap.put("ajlbdm", ajlbdm);
paramMap.put("qryType", qryType);
XyrNltj nltj =dwTjfxMapper.getXyrNlTj(paramMap);
return rtMap;
public Map<String, Object> getShrhjTj(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit) {
Map<String, Object> rtMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> paramMap=new HashMap<>();
List<AjtjResult> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unitcode)) {
XzxtUser xzxtUser = SecureUtil.getUserXzxt();
unitcode = xzxtUser.getUnitcode();//获取对应用户的单位
paramMap.put("unitcode", unitcode);
paramMap.put("kssj", kssj);
paramMap.put("jssj", jssj);
paramMap.put("ajzt", ajzt);
paramMap.put("tjlb", tjlb);
paramMap.put("page", page);
paramMap.put("limit", limit);
paramMap.put("ajlbdm", ajlbdm);
paramMap.put("qryType", qryType);
dataList =dwTjfxMapper.getShrhjTj(paramMap);
return rtMap;
public Map<String, Object> getShrNlTj(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String qryType,int page,int limit) {
Map<String, Object> rtMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> paramMap=new HashMap<>();
List<AjtjResult> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unitcode)) {
XzxtUser xzxtUser = SecureUtil.getUserXzxt();
unitcode = xzxtUser.getUnitcode();//获取对应用户的单位
paramMap.put("unitcode", unitcode);
paramMap.put("kssj", kssj);
paramMap.put("jssj", jssj);
paramMap.put("ajzt", ajzt);
paramMap.put("tjlb", tjlb);
paramMap.put("page", page);
paramMap.put("limit", limit);
paramMap.put("ajlbdm", ajlbdm);
paramMap.put("qryType", qryType);
XyrNltj nltj =dwTjfxMapper.getShrNlTj(paramMap);
return rtMap;
public Map<String, Object> getXyrHjorNlTjTs(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String xzqhdm,String qryType,int page,int limit) {
Map<String, Object> rtMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> paramMap=new HashMap<>();
List<AjtjResult> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unitcode)) {
XzxtUser xzxtUser = SecureUtil.getUserXzxt();
unitcode = xzxtUser.getUnitcode();//获取对应用户的单位
paramMap.put("unitcode", unitcode);
paramMap.put("kssj", kssj);
paramMap.put("jssj", jssj);
paramMap.put("ajzt", ajzt);
paramMap.put("tjlb", tjlb);
paramMap.put("page", page);
paramMap.put("limit", limit);
paramMap.put("ajlbdm", ajlbdm);
paramMap.put("qryType", qryType);
paramMap.put("xzqhdm", xzqhdm);
List<TbXwZbfzxyr> nltj =dwTjfxMapper.getXyrHjorNlTjTs(paramMap);
int count =dwTjfxMapper.getXyrHjorNlTjTsCount(paramMap);
return rtMap;
public Map<String, Object> getShrHjorNlTjTs(String unitcode, String kssj, String jssj,String ajzt,String tjlb,String ajlbdm,String xzqhdm,String qryType,int page,int limit) {
Map<String, Object> rtMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> paramMap=new HashMap<>();
List<AjtjResult> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unitcode)) {
XzxtUser xzxtUser = SecureUtil.getUserXzxt();
unitcode = xzxtUser.getUnitcode();//获取对应用户的单位
paramMap.put("unitcode", unitcode);
paramMap.put("kssj", kssj);
paramMap.put("jssj", jssj);
paramMap.put("ajzt", ajzt);
paramMap.put("tjlb", tjlb);
paramMap.put("page", page);
paramMap.put("limit", limit);
paramMap.put("ajlbdm", ajlbdm);
paramMap.put("qryType", qryType);
paramMap.put("xzqhdm", xzqhdm);
List<TbXwRybh> nltj =dwTjfxMapper.getShrHjorNlTjTs(paramMap);
int count =dwTjfxMapper.getShrHjorNlTjTsCount(paramMap);
return rtMap;
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