Commit ad36bc6d by liulianglang


parent 003d521e
......@@ -38,12 +38,16 @@
<if test="dwdm != null and dwdm != ''">
unitcode like CONCAT(#{dwdm,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%')
<if test="dwList != null and dwList.size() > 0">
and unitcode in
<foreach collection="dwList" item="dw" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
<if test="dwList != null and dwList.size() > 0">
<foreach collection="dwList" item="dws" open="(" close=")" separator=" or ">
unitcode in
<foreach collection="dws" item="dw" separator="," open="(" close=")">
<if test="xm != null and xm != ''">
and true_name like CONCAT('%', #{xm,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%')
......@@ -64,10 +68,14 @@
<if test="dwdm != null and dwdm != ''">
unitcode like CONCAT(#{dwdm,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%')
<if test="dwList != null and dwList.size() > 0">
and unitcode in
<foreach collection="dwList" item="dw" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
<foreach collection="dwList" item="dws" open="(" close=")" separator=" or ">
unitcode in
<foreach collection="dws" item="dw" separator="," open="(" close=")">
<if test="xm != null and xm != ''">
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