Commit a813b4c2 by wuchengwu


parent 1d3dff8d
......@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ public interface KhtjDao {
public List<RstBean> getZwzltjListrst(Map<String, String> map);
public List<RstBean> gethgzltjListrst(Map<String, String> map);
public List<UnitCodeBean> getUnitCodeList(Map<String, String> map);
public List<AutoTbStRy> queryPageList(Map<String, Object> map);
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public interface IRycjtjService {
public List<RstBean> getHgl(RstBean ajflpt, String unit_matchstring, int unitgrade, int ifslgzd);
public EasyUIPage queryHglPage(EasyUIPage page, String unitCode,String startCcsj,String endCcsj,String slType,String unitgrade,String cot);
public EasyUIPage queryHglPage(EasyUIPage page, String unitCode,String startCcsj,String endCcsj,String slType,String unitgrade,String cot, String ifslgzd);
public EasyUIPage queryRyxxPage(EasyUIPage page, String unitCode,String startCcsj,String endCcsj,String slType,String unitgrade,String cot,String ifslgzd);
public EasyUIPage querySjxxPage(EasyUIPage page, String unitCode,String startCcsj,String endCcsj,String slType,String unitgrade,String cot);
......@@ -10,6 +10,26 @@ import java.util.List;
public class Sjcjl {
private List<TbRyRycj> tbRyRycjList;
private List<TbRyRycj> slList;
private List<TbRyRycj> gzList;
public List<TbRyRycj> getSlList() {
return slList;
public void setSlList(List<TbRyRycj> slList) {
this.slList = slList;
public List<TbRyRycj> getGzList() {
return gzList;
public void setGzList(List<TbRyRycj> gzList) {
this.gzList = gzList;
public List<TbRyRycj> getTbRyRycjList() {
return tbRyRycjList;
......@@ -249,6 +249,52 @@
order by C.CODE asc
<!-- 通过条件查询,返回数据集 -->
<select id="gethgzltjListrst" parameterType="map" resultType="com.founder.khtj.domain.RstBean">
select * from
(select count(*) zycs from TB_RY_RYCJ where (SCBZ='0' or SCBZ is null) and (ifhb is null or ifhb<![CDATA[<>]]>'1')
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != ''"> and lrdwdm like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%'</if>
<if test="maxccsj != null and maxccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[<]]> to_date(#{maxccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')+1</if>
<if test="minccsj != null and minccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{minccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')</if>
<if test="sqlwhere != null and sqlwhere != ''"> and ${sqlwhere}</if>
(select count(*) ycs from TB_RY_RYCJ where (SCBZ='0' or SCBZ is null) and (ifhb is null or ifhb<![CDATA[<>]]>'1') and (tbbz = '1' or tbbz = '2')
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != ''"> and lrdwdm like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%'</if>
<if test="maxccsj != null and maxccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[<]]> to_date(#{maxccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')+1</if>
<if test="minccsj != null and minccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{minccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')</if>
<if test="sqlwhere != null and sqlwhere != ''"> and ${sqlwhere}</if>
(select count(*) zwcjs from TB_RY_RYCJ where (SCBZ='0' or SCBZ is null) and (ifhb is null or ifhb<![CDATA[<>]]>'1') and (tbbz = '1' or tbbz = '2') and szzwbh is not null
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != ''"> and lrdwdm like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%'</if>
<if test="maxccsj != null and maxccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[<]]> to_date(#{maxccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')+1</if>
<if test="minccsj != null and minccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{minccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')</if>
<if test="sqlwhere != null and sqlwhere != ''"> and ${sqlwhere}</if>
(select count(*) rxcjs from TB_RY_RYCJ where (SCBZ='0' or SCBZ is null) and (ifhb is null or ifhb<![CDATA[<>]]>'1') and (tbbz = '1' or tbbz = '2') and ZMZPXXBH is not null
and CMZPXXBH is not null
and YCMZPXXBH is not null
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != ''"> and lrdwdm like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%'</if>
<if test="maxccsj != null and maxccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[<]]> to_date(#{maxccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')+1</if>
<if test="minccsj != null and minccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{minccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')</if>
<if test="sqlwhere != null and sqlwhere != ''"> and ${sqlwhere}</if>
(select count(*) zwzlcjs from TB_RY_RYCJ RYCJ,AFIS_QUALITY_CK where (JCJG = '0') and (RYCJ.rybh = R_RYBH) and (RYCJ.ifhb is null or RYCJ.ifhb<![CDATA[<>]]>'1') and (tbbz = '1' or tbbz = '2') and szzwbh is not null
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != ''"> and lrdwdm like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%'</if>
<if test="maxccsj != null and maxccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[<]]> to_date(#{maxccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')+1</if>
<if test="minccsj != null and minccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{minccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')</if>
<if test="sqlwhere != null and sqlwhere != ''"> and ${sqlwhere}</if>
(select count(*) rxzlcjs from TB_RY_RYCJ RYCJ,AFIS_QUALITY_CK
where (JCJG = '0') and (RYCJ.rybh = R_RYBH) and (RYCJ.SCBZ='0' or RYCJ.SCBZ is null) and (RYCJ.ifhb is null or RYCJ.ifhb<![CDATA[<>]]>'1') and (tbbz = '1' or tbbz = '2') and ZMZPXXBH is not null
and CMZPXXBH is not null
and YCMZPXXBH is not null
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != ''"> and lrdwdm like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%'</if>
<if test="maxccsj != null and maxccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[<]]> to_date(#{maxccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')+1</if>
<if test="minccsj != null and minccsj != ''"> and lrsj <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{minccsj , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'YYYY-MM-DD')</if>
<if test="sqlwhere != null and sqlwhere != ''"> and ${sqlwhere}</if>
<!-- 按单位分组统计人员采集数(总应采数) -->
<select id="getRycjtjListzycs" parameterType="map" resultType="com.founder.khtj.domain.RstBean">
select substr(substr(substr(lrdwdm,1,${unitgrade})||'000000000000',1,12)||'000000000000',1,12) code,count(*) zycs from TB_RY_RYCJ where (SCBZ='0' or SCBZ is null) and (ifhb is null or ifhb<![CDATA[<>]]>'1')
......@@ -553,9 +599,12 @@
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != ''">and LRDWDM like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%'</if>
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != '' and unitgrade !=null ">and LRDWDM like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%'</if>
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != '' and unitgrade == '6'.toString() and ifslgzd != '1'.toString() and ifslgzd != '2'.toString()"> and LRDWDM not like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%s%' and LRDWDM not like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%S%' and LRDWDM not like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }|| '%G%' and LRDWDM not like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%g%' and LRDWDM not like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%88____' </if>
<if test="ifslgzd != null and ifslgzd == '1'.toString()"> and (LRDWDM like '%s%' or LRDWDM like '%S%' or LRDWDM like '%88____')</if>
<if test="ifslgzd != null and ifslgzd == '森林公安'"> and (LRDWDM like '%s%' or LRDWDM like '%S%' or LRDWDM like '%88____')</if>
<if test="ifslgzd != null and ifslgzd == '2'.toString()"> and (LRDWDM like '%g%' or LRDWDM like '%G%')</if>
<if test="ifslgzd != null and ifslgzd == '高支队'"> and (LRDWDM like '%g%' or LRDWDM like '%G%')</if>
<if test="flrsjStr != null and flrsjStr != ''"> AND LRSJ <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{flrsjStr, jdbcType=VARCHAR },'yyyy-mm-dd') </if>
<if test="elrsjStr != null and elrsjStr != ''"> AND LRSJ <![CDATA[<]]> to_date(#{elrsjStr , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'yyyy-mm-dd')+1 </if>
) where 1=1
......@@ -779,7 +828,12 @@
(select xyrbh, count(xyrbh) thjl from tb_ph_thjl group by xyrbh) thjl
and TB_RY_RYCJ.rybh = sj.xyrbh(+) and TB_RY_RYCJ.rybh = lxrxx.xyrbh(+) and TB_RY_RYCJ.rybh = dxjl.xyrbh(+) and TB_RY_RYCJ.rybh = thjl.xyrbh(+)
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != ''">and LRDWDM like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%'</if>
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != '' and unitgrade !=null ">and LRDWDM like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%'</if>
<if test="lrdwdm != null and lrdwdm != '' and unitgrade == '6'.toString() and ifslgzd != '1'.toString() and ifslgzd != '2'.toString()">and LRDWDM not like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%s%' and LRDWDM not like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%S%' and LRDWDM not like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }|| '%G%' and LRDWDM not like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%g%' and LRDWDM not like #{lrdwdm , jdbcType=VARCHAR }||'%88____' </if>
<if test="ifslgzd != null and ifslgzd == '1'.toString()"> and (LRDWDM like '%s%' or LRDWDM like '%S%' or LRDWDM like '%88____')</if>
<if test="ifslgzd != null and ifslgzd == '森林公安'"> and (LRDWDM like '%s%' or LRDWDM like '%S%' or LRDWDM like '%88____')</if>
<if test="ifslgzd != null and ifslgzd == '2'.toString()"> and (LRDWDM like '%g%' or LRDWDM like '%G%')</if>
<if test="ifslgzd != null and ifslgzd == '高支队'"> and (LRDWDM like '%g%' or LRDWDM like '%G%')</if>
<if test="flrsjStr != null and flrsjStr != ''"> AND LRSJ <![CDATA[>=]]> to_date(#{flrsjStr, jdbcType=VARCHAR },'yyyy-mm-dd') </if>
<if test="elrsjStr != null and elrsjStr != ''"> AND LRSJ <![CDATA[<]]> to_date(#{elrsjStr , jdbcType=VARCHAR },'yyyy-mm-dd')+1 </if>
) where 1=1
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
<input type="hidden" name="unitgrade" id="unitgrade" th:value="${unitgrade}">
<input type="hidden" name="cot" id="cot" th:value="${cot}">
<input type="hidden" name="ifslgzd" id="ifslgzd" th:value="${ifslgzd}">
<input type="hidden" name="name" id="name" th:value="${name}">
<!--查询结果 table-->
......@@ -325,8 +326,9 @@
var unitgrade = $("#unitgrade").val();
var cot = $("#cot").val();
var name = $("#name").val();
var ifslgzd = $("#ifslgzd").val();
function doExportExcel(){
var rybh = $("#rybh").val();
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
<input type="hidden" name="unitgrade" id="unitgrade" th:value="${unitgrade}">
<input type="hidden" name="cot" id="cot" th:value="${cot}">
<input type="hidden" name="ifslgzd" id="ifslgzd" th:value="${ifslgzd}">
<input type="hidden" name="name" id="name" th:value="${name}">
<!--查询结果 table-->
......@@ -325,8 +326,9 @@
var unitgrade = $("#unitgrade").val();
var cot = $("#cot").val();
var name = $("#name").val();
var ifslgzd = $('#ifslgzd').val();
function doExportExcel(){
var rybh = $("#rybh").val();
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
<input type="hidden" name="slType" id="slType" th:value="${slType}">
<input type="hidden" name="unitgrade" id="unitgrade" th:value="${unitgrade}">
<input type="hidden" name="cot" id="cot" th:value="${cot}">
<input type="hidden" name="ifslgzd" id="ifslgzd" th:value="${ifslgzd}">
<input type="hidden" name="name" id="name" th:value="${name}">
<input type="hidden" name="sjcjEsUrl" id="sjcjEsUrl" th:value="${sjcjEsUrl}">
......@@ -281,8 +282,9 @@
var unitgrade = $("#unitgrade").val();
var cot = $("#cot").val();
var name = $("#name").val();
var ifslgzd = $("#ifslgzd").val();
function doExportExcel(){
var rybh = $("#rybh").val();
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